db/migrate/20160412173417_update_ci_commit.rb requires downtime or manual steps, this needs to be automated
The migration db/migrate/20160412173417_update_ci_commit.rb
was added in commit 872bbb9f. This migration requires users to either take their GitLab instance offline or re-run the migration after the code has been deployed.
Both solutions are not ideal. Downtime is a no-go, certainly for 8.8 (if we're not strict about it now we never will be) and re-running migrations is something that can't be done easily. We should automate this so that both we (as in GitLab itself) and other users/customers can upgrade to 8.8 without having to run any extra manual steps.
This is currently preventing me from releasing 8.8.0 RC1 (and any further 8.8 releases).
cc @ayufan @dzaporozhets cc @marin (since this may at some point lead to changes in omnibus)