The original builds redesign was created before Pipelines was introduced, and now there is some duplication of information between builds and pipelines pages, along with some possibly unnecessary features. I think we should work on a more unified style for the following pages:
Merge Requests > MR # >Builds
Commits > Commit # > Builds
It also sounds like maybe the Tags column is unnecessary as many users do not use it which results in a blank column and wasted space.
Kamil suggested maybe we should just kill the Builds list... :) Eventually we should, but I suggested we give it a couple months to let people get used to it.
I don't want to sidetrack the conversation too much, but after using Pipelines for a short while, I find they provide everything I need and the Builds list has no value. So yeah, eventually I could see us just killing the Builds list completely. Note we still need to view individual builds, and even lists of builds, but they'd be under pipelines. e.g. pick the most recent pipeline, then click on it and see a list of builds for that pipeline, grouped by stage, then click on an individual build to see the build details.
We still need to make the pipelines list appear for merge requests, though, and there's a bit of underlying work to prepare for that. So we're not ready to kill Builds yet. And even if we were, we can give people time to get used to the idea before forcing them into the Pipelines view.
But, as is trying to limit the number of tab items, it's reasonable to start by making a CI/CD tab with both Pipelines and Builds underneath it. Or not. Just go ahead and kill the Builds list. Whatever. :)
Is there anything in the Builds list that isn't covered by Pipelines?
I modified Pipelines page based on your suggestions above. It looks clearer and more consistency with Builds. One thing, I tried different ways to put ID below the status label, but it looked not okay, so I let it be in the other column like Build ID in Build page.
@ayufan Oh yeah, showing who triggered it is probably valuable. At least CircleCI shows it.
I am torn on the ID. I'm not sure I need to see it at all. Or maybe only show the ID on a pipeline detail page.
Just for reference, here's what CircleCI shows:
The build ID is in there, but made secondary by combining with what we call our Commit column. Now that I see that, if the IDs weren't 7-digits long, and were incremental for the project, then maybe the build number would be more meaningful to me.
@annabeldunstone I would say that yes. We can truncate it even further. This represent a value that you know what this pipeline were for. I would say that Commit Hash is less important then combination of branch and commit message. We could possible hide commit hash if it takes too much somewhere in tooltip (not sure).
What about adding branch name to C: Dropping branch name in the same line as ID and SHA? Usually we have long commit messages so it should basically fit there :)
Other then I like the design C: Dropping branch name with branch name instead of ID.
I see bigger value in showing branch, sha and commit message then in including 7-digit number of Pipeline.
I think branch name is pretty important. Commit is a little less important, but probably still important. I think both of these can be condensed in the Commit column though, so they don't take up horizontal space. What if we squeezed the pipeline ID into that same column? Just to throw this out, what if we put the pipeline ID, branch, and commit all on the same line, then the gravatar and commit message on the second line? I kinda like having the gravatar be on the left rather than in the middle of a line.
@ayufan I think we can skip Run manual actions while builds are running or if a build failed. So we'd only ever have 2 buttons at the same time. We don't need a dropdown then.
In pipeline view, add an icon that differentiates "running" and "pending" builds and show "duration" for running tests
Given that the new UI doesn't show a textual description of the pipeline state, there's a need for a new icon that would let the user tell apart "running" and "pending" builds. How about an hourglass icon?
As a side note, why isn't "duration" displayed for running tests in that view?
With seriously limited screen size, we could think about things like only showing the stage(s) that failed, or putting all the stages on a line under the rest of the content. Are New Pipeline and CI Lint really important enough to take up that real estate?
Damn, ever since I took a look at the CircleCI interface, I can't help but think I want the branch name before the pipeline number. The branch name is really the first thing I scan for. But then you'd have the pipeline number and the commit SHA right next to each other, which probably doesn't look good.
@ayufan Will start working on this today. Looks great @hazelyang! @dzaporozhets do you have an opinion on using the icons for duration/time ago? I remember we took them out a few weeks ago.
@annabeldunstone no I don't mind. We removed icons because we used only duration and if you have only one time its no sense to introduce icon. In your screenshot there are 2 lines with different time: it helps visually distinguish duration from start time
How do people feel about the 06:10 compress format for duration? Is there any confusion whether it means minutes:seconds vs hours:minutes? If so, would 6m 10s be better?
It may be one of those things that once you realize what it is, it's not a problem anymore, especially if hover shows a longer format like Duration: 6 minutes, 10 seconds. I don't think people are confused by CircleCI's usage. The vast majority of pipelines should finish in less than an hour, so prefixes with 00: seems mostly unnecessary. If we prefer that general format, I'm fine with trying it as 06:10 and seeing if it causes any confusion.
I wasn't specifically suggesting that. Just not to prefix with 00: when it is less than an hour. I don't have strong feelings about 68:34 vs 01:08:34. I can see arguments either way (as long as minutes is still only 2 digits). The latter is probably better.
I'm not sure if we already came up with solution for this, but where should the tags be in both Pipelines and Builds?
Here are the current tags in Pipelines:
And here are the tags in Builds:
Apologies if these are already in the designs somewhere; I'm just not sure where to find them!
@annabeldunstone I prefer the tags to be added after the SHA as in latest in the Pipelines image rather than taking up a separate column in the Builds image.
To be clear, I think there are three different things that all could be called "tags".
the latesttag to indicate that the pipeline is the latest run for the given branch
the ruby, mysql tags which come from .gitlab-ci.yml and used to filter which runners the jobs can run on
Not shown - the git tag of the commit
The git tag (3) may not be shown explicitly as a tag currently in Builds because the column is called Ref, and if it were a tag, then we'd just put the tag there. But in Pipelines, I believe we should be showing the branch always, so if it was also tagged, that should be additional information. I'd like to see that show up to the right of the commit SHA.
The runner tag (2) probably shouldn't show up in Pipelines at all since they can be job-specific. It's also just not that important on that page.
OK, I was wrong about the Pipelines view and tags. We're currently doing the same thing as Builds, where we show the git tag instead of the branch.
To me, that makes it look like v1.0.0 is a branch name, but it isn't . I'd rather make that explicit and put git tags after the SHA, and make it actually look like a tag (colored non-pressable button).
@markpundsack Ohhh okay. So it can either be a branch or a tag and there's no way of telling what it is just by looking. I'll need some help from a backend dev to separate those as I'm not sure how pipeline.ref is working.
Also, just a thought- do we want to make that tag v1.0.0, for example, unclickable? It seems like it would still be useful to be able to go straight to that link from the pipelines page.
Yeah, we use "ref" everywhere, which can be so many things. Separate issue is fine. Incidentally, people are requesting be able to get the branch explicitly in CI environment variables, so perhaps if that happens, pipeline.branch will be a thing. :)
Talked with @annabeldunstone about this, but recording here for others. One option for handling tags is to include a tag icon to the left of the ref name if it's a tag, and include a branch icon if it's a branch. Then maybe we can drop the [tag] badge.
One problem with this is that we currently using something like the branch icon for forks.
GitHub and Bitbucket use more of a balanced prong thing for forks:
and offshoot prong for branches:
I'm guessing that's because fontawesome only has one symbol, and they call it code-fork. I'd love to see us create custom icons more in line with GitHub and Bitbucket.