Allowing only the Owner and Admin to change comments would be a great improvement. It might be a smart idea to either have a confirmation "Are you sure you wish to update this comment", even smarter would be to have versioned comments. From a legal standpoint for organizations using Gitlab, this would be very nice to have.
The underlying problem is the lack of visibility, we'll keep the permissions the same but editing will show: Edited by @DouweM if someone other than the users does it. Last person to edit counts. @DouweM will implement.
Visibility is only a superficial part of the problem. At the very least, there should be an option to select which permission levels can edit comments that are not their own.
@outofcontrol Lets first implement this change and then see if it still is a problem in practice. Options greatly complicate changing GitLab in the future.
Douwe MaanTitle changed from Only project owner or admin should be able to edit everyone else comments to Show who last edited a comment if it wasn't the original author
Title changed from Only project owner or admin should be able to edit everyone else comments to Show who last edited a comment if it wasn't the original author