When looking at commits, we show build statuses for any builds run against those commits. We should start showing pipelines of, or in addition to, builds.
Now that I look at it more closely, we could just have the commits page point directly to the most recent pipeline for that commit. The two views are nearly identical:
@annabeldunstone Assuming we need to keep the (minor) differences between those two pages, perhaps we should just add a Pipelines tab for commits, just like for MRs. It's rarer that there will be multiple pipelines per SHA, but it can happen because of retries, as well as tagging. Or even merging branches, if fast-forward merge is done.
We need a new tab, Pipelines, in between Changes and Builds:
which will show something like this, but with the commit SHA removed since that is the same for all pipelines in this view, and it is shown above (branch should stay though, since that can change):
When the user clicks through on a pipeline, it should go to https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/commit/a205d44620595c901602cdad9958cf25e3a0f971/pipelines/3769217, which would look a lot like the current builds list, but support showing non-current pipelines.
Also, in the project Commits list, there's currently a pipeline status icon that links to the current builds page.
We should change that to link to the same pipeline, but nested under the Commit resource, so we get intra-commit navigation. e.g. https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/commit/a205d44620595c901602cdad9958cf25e3a0f971/pipelines/3769217