I have seen a bunch of issues related to docker registry, but none answers my question exactly. The closest one is #18973 (moved)
The issue is the following.
Having our in-house setup of Gitlab CE and I have an image in the registry:
I can rebuild the image locally and push it to the registry.
However, the tutorial here shown only how to use this image in dind configuration. We don't run it. My question is: can I use the image in a .gitlab-ci.yml as follows:
# define an image with latex installedimage:gitlab.ipb.uni-bonn.de:4567/global/example_ci_latex:latest# further details of the build script
For now this setup throws an error. This is the full output:
gitlab-ci-multi-runner 1.2.0 (3a4fcd4)Using Docker executor with image gitlab.ipb.uni-bonn.de:4567/global/example_ci_latex:latest ...Pulling docker image gitlab.ipb.uni-bonn.de:4567/global/example_ci_latex:latest ...ERROR: Build failed: API error (500): Get https://gitlab.ipb.uni-bonn.de:4567/v2/global/example_ci_latex/manifests/latest: error parsing HTTP 403 response body: no error details found in HTTP response body: "{\"message\":\"forbidden\",\"status\":\"error\",\"http_status\":403}"
Am I doing something wrong?
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Your runner needs to be able to access your gitlab registry. You can create a user account on your gitlab, add the user as a reporter to the project containing the image, and then with the user that's running gitlab-ci-multi-runner on your server execute a docker login <your registry url>. Be aware that this will store the password in essentially plaintext (base64 encoded) in ~/.docker/config.json. Once that file exists, the runner will be able to access the registry.
Thanks for an answer. I still don't fully understand. So I would need to perform the login on the server, right? Does the name of the user have to be the same on the server and for the user in my project? Can you elaborate more please? Also which password will be stored in the config? Do I need to store it or will it be stored by gitlab?
I would expect this to function approximately as if I would be using Docker Hub under image: setting (e.g. ubuntu:14.04). I do not necessarily need to modify the image in each build, I would just need to have the read-only access without creating any users. I would really like a very simple setup, so that I could send a simple tutorial to the users on how to set this up and avoid answering hundreds of questions when something goes wrong. :)
Yes, you need to log in on the server. The username doesn't have to be the same, but you have to log in with the user on your server that is running gitlab-ci-multi-runner (if you installed it from the debian package and followed the default instructions, it'll be running as root).
The password (and username) that is stored is the one you give to docker login gitlab.ipb.uni-bonn.de:4567. I recommend you create a specific account for this, and only give it reporter access to the images it needs to pull. docker login will create the file ~/.docker/config.json, store the username and password there, and then when the runner tries to pull the image, it'll read the username and password from there.
If you want to use the image in your .gitlab-ci.yml, the runner needs to be able to pull it. For docker hub images that's not a problem because they're public. For your own gitlab server it'll work if the project is public (but see also #19117 (closed)), but if you want to use images in private projects, you need to log in the runner and give its user access.
You only need to do this docker login once for each server/gitlab-ci-multi-runner installation. Once the ~/.docker/config.json file exists, the runner will be able to authenticate.
Ok, thanks. So basically, I need to create a dummy user, give him reporter access to the repo, login this user on the server (with sudo, because it's installed from debian package) and store this users name and password in ~/.docker/condif.json (is this in home directory on the server?) and then everything will be working? Correct me if I am wrong anywhere please.
docker login will store the username and password for you, you just need to run sudo docker login gitlab.ipb.uni-bonn.de:4567 and then type in the username and password.
Ok, thanks. Now it's clear. Sorry for taking so long to understand.
However, I think this should also be somewhere in documentation. Or did I just miss it somewhere?
If it is not there I may do a pull request for documenting it tomorrow after I will try it out.
I did sudo gitlab-runner stop and sudo gitlab-runner start after that. Still the same result when I rerun old builds. @nkovacs, what do you mean by supervisor?
Hm, thanks I may give it a try. However, I strongly believe there should be a simpler way to use docker images from private registry.
UPD: I can pull the image from the registry being logged in to my server, where I am logged in as a proper user in docker. If I log out of docker, then the error is the same that I see in ci.
UPD2: For now it is fine for me that I can manually download the image on the server and it is then available for my build (no updates though). But the original issue is not fixed.
Kamil TrzcińśkiChanged title: Intended use of docker registry in .gitlab-ci.yml → Intended use of docker registry in .gitlab-ci.yml with private repository for project
Changed title: Intended use of docker registry in .gitlab-ci.yml → Intended use of docker registry in .gitlab-ci.yml with private repository for project
Definitely need a way to do this on GitLab.com. I spent a bunch of time figuring out how to prepare a Docker image with all necessary dependencies (admittedly, it was only a weekend), only to figure out I couldn't actually use it to run the CI work I really wanted because it can't login.
@rolandog currently not. As I mentioned in #19865 (moved), you can work around it by using the docker image and running the commands needed using docker API.
Similar to what another user posted, I set-up my registry with a new image through the night only to find this out after I was unable to leverage it in my yml file. This seems like a fairly important feature around the idea of centralizing your docker registry with the CI/CD process.
(FYI) In addition, as a follow-up to another user posting that this should be made clearer (this ticket or another one on the same issue), there was more than one social marketing post (e.g. blogs) that mentioned this concept (as value added) of being able to leverage the registry for private and proprietary instances.
This issue is in backlog unfortunately. But as there is more and more people having this issue I do hope anybody from gitlab will consider moving it up on the priority list.
Yes, It would be great if I could use more than one private registry with my runner.
Now I have to login back and for every time the runner execute stage in my pipeline.
Another option would to have ability to store more than one authentication token in the .docker/config.json for registry.gitlab.com or be able to store authentication token in the runner config.toml file.
As far as I'm aware, there's special user named gitlab-ci-token, and it has permission to access image in Gitlab Container Registry, as described in runner documentation: Using the GitLab Container Registry section of https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/docker/using_docker_build.html .
Unfortunately I found no way to provide these credentials in a way allowing to pull image from the "image" property inside .gitlab-ci.yml .
It seems natural for me to use image from Gitlab Registry with Gitlab CI, they are parts of the same service after all, so I'm really looking forward to that.
Im my case the user running the gitlab-ci-multi-runner process (gitlab-runner) was not member of the docker group. (If I ran docker images, even without private registry, it returned Cannot connect to the Docker daemon)
According to the New CI build permissions model, there should now be a token passed to the CI runner that enables this. At least for me, I am able to use an image from a private repo using just image: and no extra docker login when in gitlab.com.
If you're running your own instance, according to that page, you need at least GitLab Runner 1.8 to get the token parsing on the backend.