I've been searching for it today, but haven't found a native app (in brief, tool) version of the GitLab CI YAML (in brief, the YAML) file linter as available over the web.
This is a pressing requirement, since it allows one to use the tool from e.g. repos' pre-commit configs (e.g., via Yelp pre-commit) and thereby actively prevent commits that result in invalid YAML.
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@zj: a remote API would certainly be more costly to maintain for GitLab.com than a tool with a command line interface, wouldn't it? (Offering such an API is of course independent of offering a CLI tool, so that doesn't mean GitLab.com shouldn't host it, though.) Also, Git is a distributed VCS and working on your repo offline is a primary workflow. If a pre-commit hook would have to perform network transfers (in fact, uniquely, among the current Yelp pre-commit hooks) that would slow down and single-point-of-failure-ize the whole precommit workflow.
The upside of an endpoint would be that given your remote, and a fixed path, you'd be able to tell if your CI YAML works for that exact version. You don't want to create a tool which does like: gitlab ci lint --version 9.0.5 or anything right?
I definitely see a use case here, though. :)
Also, moving this to GitLab CE as this is a template project, not where this feature is implemented, although it'd be great if we could test contributions. 💯
@zj, strictly speaking there's both remote API version and the GitLab CI version at work then. It's hard to see how remote API dependency would be easier to work with than CLI tool dependency.
@zj Probably releasing gem with the same version that GitLab itself would solve that, but I'm not sure if we should do that. From technical perspective - this is doable.
@grzesiek: that's what I thought at first, but actually @zj's idea of having a CLI param to specify the GitLab CI version will work better. Forcing the same version (without another way to control validation, e.g. schema version) for both the tool and GitLab CI breaks semantic versioning, since the tool has an independent feature and patch life cycle vs. GitLab CI itself.
@sander_maijers Good point about semantic versioning. Anyway, we can consider it, but I don't think it is a high priority issue now.
username-removed-147899Changed title: Provide GitLab CI YAM linting tool as standalone native app → Provide GitLab CI YAML linting tool as standalone native app
Changed title: Provide GitLab CI YAM linting tool as standalone native app → Provide GitLab CI YAML linting tool as standalone native app
@grzesiek I'd be in favor of a gem, as you suggested, but minus all the versioning stuff. Users will have to make sure they update their gem's periodically, or run older versions using existing techniques. The best scenario would be if the CLI and GitLab both used the exact same linter, factored out as a gem, perhaps. I do NOT want to worry about keeping linting code in sync, which is why hitting an API was originally favored.
The best scenario would be if the CLI and GitLab both used the exact same linter, factored out as a gem, perhaps.
It is possible to do that with the new CI configuration that lies entirely in the separate module Gitlab::Ci::Config, but we recently decided to merge Gitlab::Git (also factored out as a gem) into GitLab (https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/24374) to make it easier to introduce change, so we need to think twice before we decide to extract Ci::Config into separate gem.
We have an endpoint now, you should use that IMO. Checkout the docs. Good thing about this is, from your git remote you can check what the host of your code is, and check against that version of GitLab.
Today I just made a quick bash script that validate the .gitlab-ci.yml using the dedicated Gitlab API : https://gitlab.com/orobardet/gitlab-ci-linter
It can be used as a simple git pre-commit hook, and is compatible with self hosted instance of Gitlab (autodetection of the API URL based on the remote 'origin' url).
Not the best script ever, but it does the job, and may be usefull for some other peoples, so I shared it.
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