An issue number without a context is not valuable when you have thousands of issues. Having to write it out is a pain.
We expand issue titles, but only when they're not followed by text.
If they are, we restrict it to the number with a bit of the text, which can expand on hover.
To allow the old functionality to exist (for when you just need a short id), we can add a new syntax of adding - to the end of the id. For instance #2323-.
Alternatively, this new functionality would be hidden behind a new syntax +, so #2323+, but I prefer to make the default behavior the smarter behavior.
Depending on your style and habits, this suggestion may or may not be welcome.
I like the idea that the title is not shown when the link is surrounded by text. Still, I often use issue links in tables for meta-issues and alike and can think of several situations where this proposal would be a pain.
Remember that there is a tooltip with the title already.
PS: What about a different syntax for enabling it? For example, #123 for the current behavior and #123+ to include the title in the link? (Of course we could also change the default, but I'd really like to be able to create a short link that only has the ID.)
@dimitrieh Fine with me. I just see a big risk of feature and UI overkill in GitLab with so many enthusiastic people working on it. I'd just like to remind everyone of the KISS principle
Also, picking up the initial description of this issue:
An issue number without a context is not valuable when you have thousands of issues. Having to write it out is a pain.
When you have less than thousands of issues (let's say we usually have 20-50 open and active issues at a time, which should be realistic for many well-managed mid-size projects), it's a pain to have to use features that are designed for projects with 4000+ open issues. It's a solution to a problem we don't have.
PS: Again, remember the tooltip showing the issue title!
I like the #4827- idea and the overall concept. However I wonder about the rule concerning issue title truncation #434 blabla → Show.... #434 blabla.
For the sake of simplicity, either we expand the entire Issue title, or we don't. Because this is the only case where we don't actually control the output.
There are two aspect that have not been covered but partially addressed:
@dimitrieh : I don't think we should mention the comment number (comment 3231311) when expanding the issue title. It does not bring any value to know it's a comment.
the screenshot above: listing the issue number makes it harder to read. Here is something I suggest (please, UX, make that prettier):
I don't think we should mention the comment number (comment 3231311) when expanding the issue title. It does not bring any value to know it's a comment.
The thing is, I don't think its possible to refer to an issue comment without an actual URL correct? That is why I made this case:
So the issue here is: do we expand issue titles when we refer to an issue comment by default as well or do we have to alter the url with a + or -?
I however do think that knowing if there is being refered to just an issue or a certain issue comment is valuable information.
the screenshot above: listing the issue number makes it harder to read. Here is something I suggest (please, UX, make that prettier):
@dimitrieh I think we don't need icons to represent stuff . We just need to have a simple way of making #242322 This is an issue with more readable when we read it.
Perhaps it's far fetched, but wouldn't it be confusing to take the same design as a button if it's not a button? Regardless of the solution we choose, as long as we make a visual distinction between issue number and issue title, I'm fine with it :-)
@regisF mmh the more detailed reason is that people already imho already refer to this style as "clickable" as it is used elsewhere throughout the interface. You could see it as a mini button for the whole issue mention so to say. I think its the simplest solution :-)
I think it's a bad idea to try to be "smart" about truncating the title when there's other text "near" it. Make the user be explicit in their wanting this expansion.
@blackst0ne Not a fan, looks like a typo. Thinking about it more, I don't think we should do #1234- either because external references can be JIRA-1234, and the #1234+ makes more sense because we're expanding something.
Adding - and + suffixes requires too much work on the part of the author, and the author can't know for sure if the reader will want to know the title, or not.
Rendering it inline will also make it harder to cache Markdown, since the title needs to be inserted into the text at render time. With a tooltip, it's easier to do this in post processing only, like
Our references should support the sentence the user is writing, not completely break the flow of it.
To take it to the extreme, when I write this, which is actually not that more extreme in reference use than some of the comments I've written:
I think issue #123 was introduced by 123abc as part of !123 by @zj. It was supposed to fix #234 but because 234def was merged just before !123 was, it didn't work quite as intended.
I don't want to have it rendered as:
I think issue #123 (closed) (Weird problem that I can't quite explain when you do X and Y at the same time) was introduced by 123abc (Refactor this and change that to fix bug) as part of !123 (closed) (Fix super annoying bug with feature X) by @zj (Zeger-Jan van de Weg). It was supposed to fix #234 (closed) (Super annoying bug with feature X) but because 234def (Refactor feature Y which is used by feature X) was merged just before !123 (closed) (Fix super annoying bug with feature X) was, it didn't work quite as intended.
Which is completely unreadable compared to the original:
I suggest we add tooltips on these references with the issue/MR/commit title. We already have a tooltip on labels, and the references already have a title-attribute, it just isn't displayed as a tooltip.
If we add this feature can we stop adding tooltips to everything too?! Bonus!
@rspeicher I think we should also shoot for more descriptions in general so that there isn't that situation where you say: "I have no idea what is going on here without the tooltip". We should never have to rely on tooltips to tell us information we don't have, only to clarify. All the information should be visible to begin with IMHO. Thanks @rspeicher for bringing that up.
Mentioned elsewhere, but I think Trello handles this well. They always expand links to titles, but they're treated well graphically so that they're never confused with the flow of text, which addresses the concerns in (although perhaps not as well as @DouweM would like).
I think @dimitrieh was on to something with the chips, but the treatment might have just been too strong.
Even though I get what you mean, your example is not entirely fair ;) the following results would come closer to the truth:
from current situation:
to douwe's original:
or without full user name, which doesn't add to much:
with the markup:
and say we use the - or + principle this would be the more likely scenario isn't it?:
Still i think its good to come up with these scenarios. Because this makes me think like, what if we would only do this this "style" if a user actually wants the title to be included (cc: @ClemMakesApps ) :
say the user wanted to expand 2 mentions only:
and without any expanded mentioning but with styling:
the numbers make them easier to discuss ;)
if you want to try out this style with a <span> or <a> element:
sidenote: @DouweM closed the following issues in favor of this one which include the conversation of expanding the issue/mention titles in "mentioned in" system messages:
Actually, I don't even see the problem we're trying to solve here. If you write issue descriptions that are not readable without having references automatically being expanded, the problem is your writing style, not the system you are using. Sure, in some situations you might want to point someone to an existing issue by only commenting with an issue number and no further text. But to me, that's the only situation where it actually makes sense to include the title. And that's why I suggested the + syntax.
The button-like references are so dominant that they seriously decrease readability. Why do we need those borders? For the sake of introducing more elements? Why do we then even keep the issue number around at all? Again, please let us keep this simple and not over-design or over-engineer this non-issue.
Any "solution" (again, I don't see the problem in the first place) that introduces elements that might break the reading flow or have a substantial negative impact on the readability (compared to plain text without any highlights or eye candy at all) are unacceptable IMHO.
I think we have to take into mind that the examples shown above in of the same value as "ipsum lorem" dummy text. Thus more of a visual value than displaying actual context value. In other words its hard to discern the "real" impact from them.
Let's break the actual problem down again:
Does adding the issue title to an issue mention add real value for context purposes.
What are the usecases?
Make a comment easier to discern context-wise by instantly knowing more about the issue mentioned (instead of a seeing just a number).
Making it easier to create lists with full issue titles, without having to do this manually (DRY principle)
What are the usecases against it?
The shorter an issue mention is, the more legibility and the flow of reading is left alone.
Secondary is implementation and looks:
Do we want to always show it by default or with an extra character: +
Is it more work for people to have to think about putting a - at the end every time or a + every time for those cases where if not thought about it, it would have added value or created better legibility?
@JobV original proposal takes the thinking out of this sort of, as it creates a rule for keeping legibility in check. (I think this is quite a good rule to add on top of the + and - strategy, as long as people can expect/understand it to work like so.. should not become unpredictable)
Do we want a border/button -ish look?
the reason for this is to make the issue number stand out better from the issue title, but can indeed look a bit much based on 8 in (I agree it it kind of disrupt the reading flow) (a possible solution would be an en-dash (slightly wider then hyphen) #123 – This is the Issue Title, which is used in typography to resemble a connection)
I think the usecases are good enough to establish a user base for this feature imo (there were multiple issues made for this feature by different people). I can see myself using this feature, but in most cases in @JobV implementation (I do not want to think about it every time, it should just work)
Apart from that I think its wise to consider in this decision, accessibility as mentioned before. We are going to improve upon this in the future, so lets think along now.
I agree with your concern for reading flow, which is exactly the reason why I made the examples (1-8), to get some visuals on this. I have mentioned a possible solution above, if people agree that there should be a better
Conclusion for now imho:
The @JobV version but with + where people really want it and isn't created. (optionally: the - version for times where it is shown automatically but isn't needed)
So to clearify: in most cases you will just see the current implementation, but this feature will add value in cases where it is wanted, semi automatical with options
I agree with @pbr in that I think the borders are too dominating and make it difficult to read. It all blends together and is difficult to scan. Maybe if there is background behind the issue title, that will help. This will cause the other text to jump out a bit more and it is easier to read the comment and skip past the titles if you don't need them.
Double # is much simpler to type than # + digits + special character (whatever it is: +, -, etc).
You just need to type twice the same key on your keyboard.
It's about speeding up typing.
I agree to some degree, as it indeed looks like a typo, but you will not see it effectively as it will render the issue out with just one # ... stil in the mindset of typing an issue, and then figuring out if you want to extend it... I am more in favor of of the + / - (also as its extendable both ways.. adding and removing)
I think @tauriedavis's suggestion makes it more bearable comparable to previous design suggestions, but I am still not convinced this "feature" is necessary. For me and my team it would be no less than a regression. Also, I think @DouweM's example text shows how ridiculous this can will get.
I don't understand why you are agains this feature since it'll be optional.
By default there'll be only issue id as a link, but if you want to expand the link by issue title, you'll just need to add one more symbol and that's it!
@tauriedavis@dimitrieh@jschatz1@DouweM I am against this feature (in any kind of suffix-prefix-whatever syntax. keep it simple). Tooltips should be enough. No need to render whole title. @DouweM and @pbr gave clear reasons why we should not do it. If person is interested in more context they can hover over reference to see title in tooltip.
If person is interested in more context they can hover over reference to see title in tooltip.
By the way, it is not obvious there is a tooltip for an issue link.
A tooltip pops up not so fast as it should be (like one for the comment timing).
So until this issue I didn't event know about that tooltips.
And what about mobile users? How do I see tooltips for issue links using my phone?
@dzaporozhets it mentions the usecase of quickly being able to generate issue numbers with their title for creating better meta issues/lists for example. It was the main point for this issue. If we would introduce just the + feature, nothing will change, except when a user really needs it to.
dry principle, it would automate this process of setting up lists etc a lot for people like job
it mentions the usecase of quickly being able to generate issue numbers with their title for creating better meta issues/lists for example. It was the main point for this issue. If we would introduce just the + feature, nothing will change, except when a user really needs it to.
Almost all these issue already had a good amount of discussion and some even have MR's that possibly can be implemented. There should be taken an organized look at these
I'm not sure it's enough to have this in lists. I made a comment over at about our usecase with non-developers. Even inside a "long text", it would be nice to have the ability to include the full issue title. We have lots of internal projects where people don't use Gitlab every day, which means they do not remember the issue titles based on issue numbers. I struggle with this myself, even though I use Gitlab most days. And I didn't even know about the tool-tip with the full issue title before I read this thread.
My take
I've read most of the issues and discussions around this now, and here is my take on it.
Is this feature going to be implemented?
Is really important to be able to see both the text of an issue and the status.
This will allow for having issues that represent list of needed features or that group issues together (is not practical to use labels for that).
This way if I want to see how a set of things are going I can look at the master issue and have the view of the status of the many composing issues (with title AND status otherwise is very impractical to go over the tooltip all the times).
I, as a user, do not care too much on where and if you place a dash between the number etc. but please implement this feature.
We have lots of internal projects where people don't use Gitlab every day, which means they do not remember the issue titles based on issue numbers. I struggle with this myself, even though I use Gitlab most days.
Agreed. Surely this is a big win if you're not someone who eats and dreams gitlab.