Subissues on issue board
To replace our scrum board with a Gitlab Issue Board (which we really want to do), we'd need to be able to represent a user story as an issue that has sub-tasks assigned to individual people (since multiple people work on a single user story - and in many projects they have different talents: programmers, artists, UI designers, etc that need to work on specific parts of a user story to complete it together).
Different user stories have different sub-parts - and it is too error-prone to rely on people re-assigning the user story to different people during development, it is too confusing to add columns for each possible discipline (backend engineering, front-end engineering, art, audio, etc), and in many cases the subtasks can be done in parallel (which can't be represented with issue board columns).
- Add parent-child relationships functionality to issues.
- Parent issues have links to children issues, and children issues have link to parent.
- Parent and children links show on the issue page.
- Completion status of the subtasks are linked to the completion status of the parent issue:
- if the parent issue is marked complete, the subtasks are all marked complete.
- If all subtasks are marked complete, the parent issue is marked complete.
- Child issues show on issue board under their parent issue, if in the same issue board. Otherwise child issues just appear as any other issue in the issue board.