Creating/editing .gitlab-ci.yml files is getting harder and harder. Perhaps a visual editor would help?
Nothing specific yet. It could be as simple as a visual interface to the literal YAML file, but I think a good implementation would go beyond that and hide a lot of complexity. Perhaps present the information in completely different ways. Like a checkbox to enable auto deploys, which then generates several lines of YAML. Also provide discoverability of advanced configuration options.
@dimitrieh I think yours looks pretty good! I wonder if though if we couldn't make the job and stage separation a little more clear? I apologize for the eyesore, but tried to mock up what I am trying to explain. (I promise my paper version looked better, and clearly should not quit my day job.)
In the spirit of brainstorming, it has a lot of various ideas in aside from the main method of visualizing the flow. Some are probably bad, but hopefully a few may spark more discussion.
A more card based approach, with each stage being a swimlane and a job being a card in that swimlane. This seems a little more clear to me, and can also help illustrate other ideas later (like flow for a given branch/tag).
Inline linting, which runs automatically. Since linting doesn't seem very computationally heavy, can we just run this all the time as a user works?
Can we do autocomplete based on what is valid within that given stage, job, or specific command?
A template library, which can have templates for common stage types for each language.
An "Attribute/Inspector" pane, which can provide some insight into what you are currently working on. For example:
Can show you what DockerFile this stage will use, in case you forgot to override from the defaults
A merged script, showing the complete picture inclusive of before_script and other types of options.
A command which could take as input a given branch/tag name, and illustrate the stage/job flow. (To help debug when/only/etc type problems?)
A button to execute a given job in a runner, in real time. This way you can debug fully in the Visual Editor, without having to move to your local machine.
You still might end up having to do that for more complex problems, but this seems like a nice quality of life improvement.
All good ideas. I like the card-based drag-and-drop for creating/arranging a pipeline. And snippets have their place too. Perhaps within a single job, although that's not strictly true. Other vendors have done things with dragging-and-dropping just portions of the configuration, like dependent services such as adding Postgres to your test.
Unrelated to any of the above, the last couple of days I've been envisioning one of those children's books where there are three sections, top, middle, and bottom, that each flip independently. Like one page has a robot, and another has a person, but you can flip only the top section, and switch to the man's head on a robot body and legs.
Anyway, I'm thinking of build, test, and deploy as being pieces you can choose independent of the other choices. Like Build a Rails app, test with rspec, deploy to Heroku. Or build a docker image, test with npm test, and deploy to Kubernetes. Or any permutation of the above.
Or going beyond that, being able to add review apps to an otherwise complete build, test, deploy flow. Or being able to pick between automatic or manual deploy to production.
I'm sure this is too simplistic, and falls down in many ways. But feels incremental from our existing template dropdown, and getting us towards more of a snippet or card approach.
At any rate, I think this topic will be really hard to do. I think it would be easier if we start with visualizing the configuration of an existing pipeline, heavily leveraging our current pipeline graphics. Then maybe extend that. Perhaps with the ability to visualize the pipeline for given branch/tag or other circumstance. Or maybe that won't be necessary if we augment the pipeline visualization well. Sure, it currently doesn't show only, except, and when clauses, but maybe there's an easy solution for that.
Then maybe orthogonally, improve the text-based editing, with autocomplete, etc. Then add snippets (text-based only). Add a live-preview of the text editing.
Anyway, that's only one path forward, but it feels more achievable than jumping directly into a GUI pipeline builder. And more leveragable by intermediate users as invariably simple GUI builders are most valuable for beginners. And it fits in well with our incremental approach to everything.
@dimitrieh I think having raw node addition/subtraction is probably a good place to start. But building on the templates idea, I'm picturing a gallery of node collections that you could drag/drop into your flow to add functionality to your CI/CD configuration. Like a template for review apps that includes two nodes, start_review and stop_review. Or a continuous delivery pipelet that includes a job to autodeploy to staging with manual job to deploy to staging. And a continuous deployment pipeline that goes straight to autodeploying to production. Maybe dropping the latter on top of the pipeline replaces the former because they're mutually exclusive. I have no idea how to encode that. And maybe dragging/dropping the pipelet onto the pipeline is overkill when you could just select the choice from a couple radio buttons. But maybe for other cases, it's more additive. Like adding rubocop to an existing pipeline.
Maybe it's as simple as having the template define whether the jobs contained in the template can coexist with other jobs in the same stage or not. So if you drag CDeployment over CDelivery, it knows it has to replace those stages. (although CDeployment wouldn't have a staging stage, so maybe it would also have to define it as blank...
@markpundsack from a user perspective thinking along similar patterns like, setting up a pipeline, instead of setting up gitlab-ci.yml file makes much more sense and has the ability to make this a lot more approachable!
We still save it as a file within the repository and let the user know that if they are interested in editing the file manually.
This would mean that if we recognise certain patterns in the ci.yml file we can entertain our users with a gui version of that snippet.
@dimitrieh I agree, that was sort of the direction I was trying to go with the "card" approach. You would add a stage, job, etc. and you could visually see how it would fit in the flow. Then of course you could go in and edit that particular section. Buddy looks to have gone even farther though and each "action" seems to have a specific UI for it. Not sure we need to go to that level, though.
@dimitrieh One thing we haven't figured out yet is how to indicate only, except, and when. For currently rendered pipelines, these are all processed before the pipeline is created, so there's no need to indicate them. But for a graphic view/editor, this will become important. Rather than trying to indicate them via lines, I'm thinking of just adding it as meta information for each job. So some chrome or adornment on the job oval, maybe with the content hidden until hover/click.
If a bunch of jobs have the same only/except conditions though, it might be nice to group them in a stream. It could then look like parallel pipelines, because that's essentially what they are.
Sounds like we all agree, this would be a great feature. The big question is when? Or some iteration of the card approach first per @joshlambert example. @eliran.mesika and @mbell do we want to share another very large customers request for this feature.
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