@tauriedavis@dbalexandre I like it, too and I would prefer it, but people are already complaining that the navigation and filter bars take too much space from the board, and I think I agree. Do you think we can do anything else?
If we do go with tabs, I think "All" makes more sense as the default state considering the new behavior of the board.
@cperessini Yeah, I see what you are saying. This is an issue throughout the site that people complain about. Maybe we can open a separate issue to look into it separate from this? I just think whatever the solution, it should be consistent throughout pages.
I'd prefer the default behaviour to be "Open" issues - it matches the behaviour elsewhere and meets my use case whereby the lists are used to track where an issue is currently being implemented. We don't really have much requirement to manipulate/organise/review/analyse closed issues.
I agree with @liquidstate - maybe there is something I don't "get" about the issue boards, but showing closed issues by default seems counterintuitive - I go to the board to see what needs to be worked on.
I actually assumed that the current behavior was a bug, and came here to report it. :)
Maybe the default behavior should be a project setting? Some might have a workflow that includes closed issues (or wants to move them manually to the 'done' tab) and some want to see only the stuff they have to work on.
If you don't mind I'll quickly jump in even though you seems to all agree on a solution on this.
In my opinion, having closed issue in other board than "done" is confusing. Whatever your workflow you should close it when you are done with the issue so it should be remove from any other steps in between. And you actually do that already : just put an issue in 2 lists drag it from one list to the done section, and you'll close it and remove it from any other list. so Why not keeping it consistant and remove list label when closing the issue directly on closing it with a commit ?
So to me the problem is not how to display close issues on lists but simply remove them from the list.
Just my two cents, but the main thing I immediately liked about the boards feature was that I didn't have to actually change how I was using labels at all - it integrates great with the pre-existing use of labels. If I have to change the way I use labels (eg. harassing my team to make sure to remove labels when they close through commits or other methods), I'm likely to just skip using the boards, which now add work instead of saving it.
@iamphill@tauriedavis This behaviour is not intentional. I tried to reproduce your steps locally, moving an issue from UX to development on issue board. In the view page, the UX label is not present:
Folks, you are already eating up A LOT of vertical real estate on the boards screen, and now you intend to add another line of menus?
Almost all of us have 16:9 screens, vertical space is precious. Less and less left for the actual issues is not good.
@tauriedavis I've been thinking about this a lot and I've realized that the board doesn't really change the way that labels have been used until now. Closing issues through commits has always left its labels untouched, and this has been a good thing because we get to keep that information about the issue for reference and for future steps. If you want the board to keep working the way it did in its first iteration, you just have to stick to the Open tab. It's true that there will still be hidden closed issues in columns other than Done, but I think that information is actually valuable. For example, if you see a closed issue in the Development column, it'll tell you that the code got merged without ever going through Testing, which is something do not want.
@JesperWe We are aware of the problem and it was recognized in this thread. We are reworking the way filters work and we will definitely keep this in mind.
@cperessini Are you proposing that the way labels are removed be changed? Or just to have the option to view closed issues as well? Sorry if I didn't quite follow your proposal correctly.
@tauriedavis No, I was saying that this change to the board doesn't have any effect in the way that people have been using labels. The board is a new view, but you still get the separation between Open, Closed and All, so nothing changes. I get why people might not want closed issues to show in this new view, but I was trying to show a positive spin on it.
Anyways, from the latest discussion it seems we're gonna be reverting the decision or including a switch so users can choose whatever works best for them.
Let me add another thought here: With the previous version of the board (closed issues move to the done list regardless of their labels) we were able to automatically move issues to the done list when also automatically closing issues via merge requests. As far as I can see, even with all the ideas discussed in this thread, there still would be no option to do so with the updated version. The board could be filtered in all kinds of ways, but there would be no way to automatically move an issue to the done list via commit messages or triggered via merge requests.
We've created the Done list initially to give you a simple workflow. When something is Done, it's closed and gone from the board. We didn't consider the other direction well: IF something is done, but still on the board ,what happens?
Issue boards exist to create a workflow of active, existing issues. Therefore it should only show open issues. Closed issues should not appear on the board. I made the mistake of allowing discussion and even suggesting making this configurable or a switch in the UI. I want to go back to a simpler time: Closed issues appear in the Done Column.
That means that:
We no longer show closed issues, except in the Done list
IF an issue is somewhere on the board and closed (directly, not through moving), it will no longer be there, independent of its labels. Closing an issue does not influence the labels. Moving an issue on the board to the Done list does the same as before: remove labels of this board and close
We don't need to add another row of filters (thankfully)
The main downside this has is that when you have multiple issue boards and an issue is moved to Done on one of the boards, it's closed (and therefore gone). For that reason, we are adding the ability to hide the Done list (which gives you super awesome superpowers, but more on that later).