This is a meta issue to discuss the current state of security for continuous deployments done through GitLab CI. Security of CI was pretty much covered, but as we extend CI to include CD with environments, manual actions, etc. we need to make sure that our basic security model works and see where we need to improve, and where we can offer enhanced control for EE. There have been a bunch of issues created lately, and I find it hard to evaluate them in isolation.
Note: This issue is about internal security within a company, not about external hackers, although clearly they're related. Limiting access limits exposure to compromised accounts, for example.
Some examples:
Secret variables can be inadvertently disclosed, via a screencast or looking over the shoulder. (#21358 (closed))
Any developer can trigger a manual action. So while the master branch could be protected from pushes, any developer could trigger the deploy job in a pipeline. (#20261 (closed))
Any developer can run a pipeline manually. So while the master branch could be protected from pushes, any developer could trigger the deploy job in a pipeline. (#30634 (closed))
All project variables are accessible by any developer. If one developer adds secure variables to a project with deployment capable creds, any developer could write a trivial CI script to use or output those variables. (#24196 (closed) or #17739 (moved))
Even if you restrict deploy actions to the master branch, a developer could overwrite that restriction in a branch's .gitlab-ci.yml to force a deploy of unvetted code. (#24196 (closed), #17739 (moved), #24194 (closed), and/or #20826 (moved))
Even if you restrict secrets to a dedicated, tagged runner, a developer could overwrite tags in a branch's .gitlab-ci.yml to run arbitrary code on the dedicated runner. (#33281)
Even if you properly restrict variables to masters, if something print out a secret variable to the build log, it will be visible by developers (and possibly public). (#13784 (moved))
Artifacts can be downloaded even if they're created on protected branches, there could be an option (EE only) to create "protected" artifacts that can be downloaded only by Master. (#14925 (moved))
Should all developers be treated the same? We don't have a role for operations or devops. For CE, I believe this is sufficient. But for EE, perhaps we need a new role or at least a bunch of checkboxes which specify what developers are capable of.
Most bang/buck seems to be in providing environment-specific variables and then allowing some kind of restriction on (at least) production environment(s). This would naturally limit manual actions to those environments you have access to.
An alternative might be to leverage existing restrictions on branches, and use branch-variables instead.
At the very least, we should restrict developers from running manual actions on restricted branches.
@markpundsack great overview. I propose we add these considerations to the documentation. So that other people realize the security tradeoffs and can alert us if we overlooked something. Add as a page in the ci documentation and link from
My idea to tighten the security is to connect that with user permissions that we are now evaluating. Then it will make no difference who and how modifies the .gitlab-ci.yml.
I actually have a few extensions in mind:
make variables to be accessible by specific access level: ex. only masters,
make runners to be accessible by specific access level: ex. only owner of the projects,
make environments to be deployed by specific access level,
Variables, because can have credentials to access environments. Runners, because someone may only allow one runner to access production network and do deployment to production cluster. Environments, because at some point we will allow to use Variables in context of environments and we should not allow unconditionally anyone to change the last deployment.
This allows us to automatically know who has the permission to execute what, especially manual actions and deployments. For example person with developer permissions would not be able to use special runner or use deployment tokens needed for pushing application to production.
This also makes the system to restrict manual. If we would tie that with runner or environment we could automatically see if developer can run manual action or we need a user with bigger permissions.
If developer changes .gitlab-ci.yml it will not affect the security of the system, because developer will not be able to access the credentials/environments or runners by doing that, since the access level restrictions are on much lower level.
@ayufan I really like focusing on securing the system such that it's safe regardless of what's in .gitlab-ci.yml. I'm glad you added access levels for runners, since that was one loophole that wasn't covered before.
I haven't seen a proposal yet for how to handle a job definition that includes variables, runners, or environments that you don't have access to. Does the Pipeline fail? Does it succeed, but then halt on the forbidden job? Should an admin be able to then finish the pipeline? Does it try to run the job, but fail? For variables, the job may not even know that it's going to fail because it might work without the privileged variables. For runner tags and environments, it's easier to detect because those are hard declarations in the job.
I've been running into these issues described in a bunch of these linked issues as I have been deploying GitLab for my company & working to implement CI + CD for our developers who are currently using a snowflake jenkins box they stood up to deploy. I think a lot of the issues hit most of our concerns around Secret variable visibility, ability to deploy to production, etc.
One thought I had after hitting this meta issue, a lot of these issues are around secrets management in general. Has there been any talk/issues in GitLab for integrating some kind of secrets management platform more deeply into GitLab? First thing that comes to mind is Hashicorp Vault.
I've been trying gitlab for a day now and already found out for myself that in the current form continuous deployment is just unusable and totally broken by design.
It's totally fine to just run whatever there is in .gitlab-ci.yml at any moment to perform testing, since tests don't change anything outside the runner and they just pass or not. However, when it comes to deployment, this is no longer valid at all - what's written in the currently evaluated .gitlab-ci.yml can completely ruin the outside world. And I'm not even considering malicious intents here - a developer merely wanting to change how a deployment is performed may create a merge request, and an error in his new draft version of .gitlab-ci.yml may completely ruin everything the moment he merely creates that merge request.
In a short analogy, re-using .gitlab-ci.yml for CD is like re-using GET requests for state-changing operations.
With that much PR I've found and read about how nicely integrated and awesome CD in gitlab is, I'm full of doubt about the whole platform in general right now. How out of this world can one be to consider anything as broken as CD in gitlab as production ready right now? Had it never occurred to gitlab developers that there's something wrong with the current CD design? Not even once during the whole development phase? And if so, can I trust the rest of the features in gitlab? I was really happy about gitlab at first, but this state of affairs just made me sad.
@dragonroot asks a good question: How can this have been so completely missed by the dev team? This is not just a big deal - it's a deal breaker.
Secret variables are an integral part of the CI/CD capabilities and Gitlab clearly states that "you can use them for passwords, secret keys or whatever you want" (see the Variables page for any project). However, it doesn't even attempt at protecting them. This is misleading at best.
Mistakes not malice
If we are talking about the on-premise/self-hosted version of Gitlab, protection against malicious users trying to exploit the system is, I believe, a different problem. You need to have some degree of trust in your developers, and in the mechanisms that ensure that only they can access the system.
Most of the issues around security here are actually not about malicious intent but about the ability for trusted users to mess things up by mistake. We are human, and we make mistakes. Systems should be designed to steer us away from making them and, when we do anyway, mitigate the negative effects. In the current design the CD system does the complete opposite - it amplifies mistakes to potentially catastrophic levels.
Branch protection
@markpundsack offers as one possible solution to extend branch protection to variables:
An alternative might be to leverage existing restrictions on branches, and use branch-variables instead.
I think ( this is a great idea, as it addresses most of the issues in a simple way. If we extend branch restriction to apply to variables, it means we do not need to complicate things by worrying about runners, roles, environments or even .gitlab-ci.yml changes. We stop the problem at its source: the secrets.
What it could look like
I'm sure the implementation will require some thinking and lots of work. It's not obvious to me what the best way to achieve it is, but here's an idea:
Log in to Gitlab as the Master or Owner of a project and select Variables in the project settings. From there select a branch on which you want to create the variable. Alternatively, you can set project-wide variables (available to all branches) or wildcard variables, available to a subset of regex matching branches (for example version-.* or hotfix-*).
Before Gitlab CI runs a build, it checks which branch the build is running on, and exports the corresponding variables to the environment.
What it solves
Here's how branch-restriction would address the concerns in the original post:
All project variables are accessible by any developer. If one developer adds secure variables to a project with deployment capable creds, any developer could write a trivial CI script to use or output those variables.
As long as Merge Requests are reviewed, changes that output variables would not make it into protected branches. Builds on non-protected branches would not have access to the credentials, so the output would be empty.
Even if you restrict deploy actions to the master branch, a developer could overwrite that restriction in a branch's .gitlab-ci.yml to force a deploy of unvetted code.
With branch-specific variables, the master branch credentials would never be exported to feature branches, and any attempt to force deploy would fail at the first API call that uses the credentials.
Even if you restrict secrets to a dedicated, tagged runner, a developer could overwrite tags in a branch's .gitlab-ci.yml to run arbitrary code on the dedicated runner.
IMHO trying to patch up security on the runner means we've already failed. The runners should only execute the builds, and not worry about the contents. With branch-specific secret variables, any build executed on the runner will have (or not have) it's credentials set up, based on which branch it is running on.
What it doesn't solve
These concerns are not addressed directly:
Any developer can trigger a manual action. So while the master branch could be protected from pushes, any developer could trigger the deploy job in a pipeline.
Any developer can rollback.
However, we could extend branch protection further, to include pipeline actions. If you have Developer access to a project, you should not be able to push to master. By extension you should not be able to trigger manual actions on master builds: such as deploy or rollback.
I'd just add that in some cases it's the runners which have the power - for instance, a runner which has direct password-less access to production (e.g. via a mounted fs or by other means). Such runners can be made project-specific, but there's currently no way to make them branch-specific.
@dragonroot That is how I handled some runners used to deploy to AWS services (instance profile). It removes the ability of users removing/using keys outside of the CI/CD Pipeline, but doesn't control the fact that users could just move whatever they want to do through the pipeline.
The MVP for #17739 (moved) and #24194 (closed) might be a simple checkbox to "protect" variables and runners to limit them to users with Master permission, rather than specifying branches. Obviously being able to have different variable values for different branches is a beneficial feature as well, but that shouldn't get in the way of solving the most immediate security concern. The verbiage of "protecting" the variable has a nice parallel with protected branches too.
Thanks again @markpundsack for consolidating all the issues. I feel that you've captured the current concerns well in the issue description.
It would be great if you could also clarify this bit:
...a simple checkbox to "protect" variables and runners to limit them to users with Master permission, rather than specifying branches.
Will that mean that the "protected" variables will be exported to a GitLab CI build only if that specific build was triggered by a commit made by a Master level user?
@nick.thomas, relevant to a conversation we had on IRC.
I'll add another vote to branch-specific variables/pipelines - seems like it would fold in very nicely with protected branches. Of course, there's no way then to add user-specific keys, but my personal feeling is that those aren't as important.
Even if you restrict deploy actions to the master branch, a developer could overwrite that restriction in a branch's .gitlab-ci.yml to force a deploy of unvetted code.
We've described another solution for this problem: #24794 (moved) . Needs your review and the go-ahead to implement.
@dimitrieh Yeah, something like that, but it would be great if it supported wildcards so you could do review/* and share deploy creds with all your review apps, but nowhere else, perhaps like we do for the protected branch UI. Perhaps this should be discussed on though.
@ayufan I think the idea of "tags" misses the point: it's insecure for .gitlab-ci.yml to be able to decide which variables its jobs get, because anyone can edit it (and push to an unprotected branch and submit an MR, triggering a pipeline).
For example, suppose that I've set up a MY_SECRET_DEPLOY_KEY variable with the "secret" tag, and .gitlab-ci.yml looks like:
deploy:script:deploy something benign with ${MY_SECRET_DEPLOY_KEY}only:-masterwhen:-manualvariable_tags:# your proposed "tags" option-secret
Nothing is stopping me, a Developer, from pushing this change to a branch and triggering a pipeline:
deploy:script:deploy something malicious with ${MY_SECRET_DEPLOY_KEY}variable_tags:-secret
The point of restricting variables to a (protected) branch is that regardless of how .gitlab-ci.yml is edited, it will only ever have access to MY_SECRET_DEPLOY_KEY when run within that branch. It's impossible for me to do anything malicious with MY_SECRET_DEPLOY_KEY on any other branch since my pipeline won't have access to that variable. My change would have to be merged into a protected branch to take effect.
Mark Pundsackmarked the task Secret variables can be inadvertently disclosed, via a screencast or looking over the shoulder. (#21358 (closed)) as completed
marked the task Secret variables can be inadvertently disclosed, via a screencast or looking over the shoulder. (#21358 (closed)) as completed
Achilleas Pipinellismarked the checklist item Any developer can trigger a manual action. So while the master branch could be protected from pushes, any developer could trigger the deploy job in a pipeline. (#20261 (closed)) as completed
marked the checklist item Any developer can trigger a manual action. So while the master branch could be protected from pushes, any developer could trigger the deploy job in a pipeline. (#20261 (closed)) as completed
GitLab is moving all development for both GitLab Community Edition
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