Standardize the settings pages views
This is a proposal to standardize the settings pages views and the pages where the user has to take some actions.
The plan is to have two major columns (which are split into 12 columns in total in bootstrap lingo)
- the left is for describing the feature and have a link to docs (CSS class
) - the right is the feature itself with its settings (CSS class
All settings pages should start with:
- page_title "Page title"
which sets the page structure.
Under it we place the left and right columns.
Left column (describing the feature)
The left column which has the docs should begin with the class of .col-lg-3
Under it we have the page title inside an h4 heading with the prepend-top-0
= page_title
Then we start a new paragraph which will include the description of the
page and the feature in general. The class prepend-top-20
is used here:
Triggers can force a specific branch or tag to get rebuilt with an API call.
In the end, we have a link to docs inside the append-bottom-0
= succeed '.' do
Learn more in the
= link_to 'triggers documentation', help_page_path('ci/triggers/README'), target: '_blank'
Always add target: '_blank'
. It is frustrating to click on a link
making you lose your changes before you get a chance to save them.
This is how a right column should eventually look like:
= page_title
One line description of the feature.
Longer description of the feature, 2-3 sentences tops.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim
ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in
reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in
culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
= succeed '.' do
Learn more in the
= link_to 'feature documentation', help_page_path('ci/triggers/README'), target: '_blank'
Right column (implementing the feature)
The right column implements the feature and starts with the class .col-lg-9
Everything should be inside a panel, starting with the class .panel.panel-default
You can have more than one panels if the feature requests it.
The panel has 3 main parts: .panel-heading
, .panel-body
and .panel-footer
Under the .panel-heading
you should have a descriptive title of what
this panel is about. It should be wrapped inside %h4.panel-title
Manage your project's triggers
Under the .panel-body
you should put the main settings actions, such as
radio buttons, checkbox lists, etc.
Under the .panel-footer
you can place the submit buttons:
= form_for @trigger, url: url_for(controller: 'projects/triggers', action: 'create') do |f|
= f.submit "Add trigger", class: 'btn btn-success'
Empty state message
If there is no state yet, you should use the following classes inside a body or footer panel.:
No triggers have been created yet. Add one using the button below/above.
Views template
Here's the whole template based on the examples above. If there is need, create more than one panels, but don't overdo it. Two are in most cases enough.
- page_title "Page title"
= page_title
One-line description of the feature.
Longer description of the feature, 2-3 sentences tops.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
= succeed '.' do
Learn more in the
= link_to 'feature documentation', help_page_path('ci/triggers/README'), target: '_blank'
Manage your project's settings feature
- if @triggers.any?
%strong Token
%strong Last used
= render partial: 'trigger', collection: @triggers, as: :trigger
- else
Nothing has been created yet. Guide the user how to create it.
= form_for @trigger, url: url_for(controller: 'projects/triggers', action: 'create') do |f|
= f.submit "Submit button", class: 'btn btn-success'
Second panel title
Panel body with paragraphs.
All you need to do is replace the
%code TOKEN
%code REF_NAME
with the trigger token and the branch or tag name respectively.
Use cURL
Copy one of the tokens above, set your branch or tag name, and that
reference will be rebuilt.
curl -X POST \
-F token=TOKEN \
-F ref=REF_NAME \
Based on the example above:
Example views already implemented
You can take a look how the following views are implemented:
Links / references
- (meta) Give love to settings screens