Security flaw when creating new user and using reset link
Here is what happens (GitLab 7.13.3 on Debian 8):
1.) I log on to my GitLab server as administrator.
2.) I create a new user and GitLab states: "Reset link will be generated and sent to the user. User will be forced to set the password on first sign in."
3.) I click "Create User" and an email with the reset link is generated and sent to the new user.
4.) I close the browser tab (without logging out from my GitLab server as administrator!).
5.) As the new user (on the same computer that I used as GitLab administrator before) I click on the reset link I received in the GitLab email.
6.) GitLab opens the administrator account and tells me "You are already signed in." (as administrator)
So by clicking the reset link as a new user I end up in the (open) GitLab admin's account. Despite the fact that this a rare combination of events (GitLab admin forgets to log out and new user is using the same computer as the GitLab admin before to reset the password) this should not happen.
Many thanks!