Accepting a merge request will not trigger an EmailsOnPush notification since the satellites were removed. @DouweM double checked for me and confirmed that it is related to the satellite removal.
According to @DouweM we should execute the GitPushService for every change to the commit log, even if it is from within the web UI.
Looks like executing push services and hooks upon MR merge was broken when satellites were removed. I think we should execute the GitPushService for every change to the commit log, even if it is from within the web UI (merge MR, edit file, create file).
I think we should execute the GitPushService for every change to the commit log, even if it is from within the web UI (merge MR, edit file, create file).
@dzaporozhets Ah, right, this is 7.14 so it should definitely work. With master I don't see it in MergeService though, but I may be looking for the wrong thing.
@DouweM what should the next step be here? Since master has the correct code, it will revert to working mode once 8.0 is released. Should we look for the bug and fix it as a patch release for 7.14, or just wait for 8.0?