All anchors will change their color to #005299 on hover and focus. That includes anchors that were originally blue (#3777b0) and those that were a shade of gray.
New direction
All anchors should change their color on hover. We have many links in GitLab that don't change their color on hover/focus/active, so in this issue we will propose colors for those secondary states.
Original description
There are some anchors that suffer a color change on hover and focus in addition to being underlined.
I've found two examples where this isn't necessary as the underlining is enough and the alternate color is less pleasing.
Related Merge Request on Issue page
Default state
Lists under profile settings. For example, under the Notifications tab.
Default state
The color change should be removed for both hover and focus states. If anyone finds more examples of this, please add them to this issue.
Hm the darker color change is actually the correct (original) hover state. The instances where it does not change color is happening from an override. I personally don't mind the color change but I agree it should be consistent. @awhildy any thoughts on which way this should go?
The downside of darkening the link on hover is it actually makes it stand out less if it is in a paragraph of text. While this doesn't matter too much for hover (as hopefully you are already looking at the link), it may make keyboard focus state less obvious. Definitely agree that it should be consistent, I could see the argument either way, but I do lean slightly towards removing the color change.
Yeah, agree with @pedroms here regarding the focus state. There should be a more obvious visual indication on focus than the text-decoration or color. Pedro what are your thoughts on removing the color change on hover? I could see the argument for the color looking more like paragraph text on hover but it also provides another visual cue.
@tauriedavis@pedroms@awhildy All text links have the Bootstrap glow on focus, so I don't think there'd be a problem with people missing the link in that state.
On the topic of consistency, I think most of our blue links don't change color on hover (for example when you mention a user or issue in a comment), but the grey ones do by becoming a darker shade of grey or blue. In that sense, we could have a separation of blue links vs. grey links and change the color for one of them an not the other, or we could apply the same rules to all links and always change the color.
I don't like the darker blue color that inspired this issue, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense to treat all links equally. A good solution could be to give all links a color change, but choose those colors carefully so they look better than what we have now.
For the best accessibility, I think every action that is not a button should have some additional element on hover (a border, underline, dot, whatever). We should not rely only on color change. For example, look at @cperessini's comment above and try hovering the mentions, his name and the “commented…” time stamp. It doesn't make sense for those links in the comment header to not have an underline.
I agree that it's better to have color change. But, as @cperessini pointed out, the current hover color can be too dark and blend with the surrounding dark gray/black text. One way to solve this may be to darken the blue a bit, but also increase its saturation. Take a look at this quick example:
First link is normal, unchanged. Second link with 100% saturation and 30% lightness (#005299). Third link has current :hover color (#255076).
@cperessini Oh, thanks for noting that you already had a custom hover color. I prefer it darker and saturated. I've placed mine (#005299) and yours (#2e699c) side-by-side, see which one you prefer:
After looking through your proposals (thanks by the way), I couldn't help but think: how would we decide in future situations what hover colors should be used? Which lead me to: why don't we simply use the same blue hover color for every link? Is there any negative aspect to it?
@pedroms Yours is definitely more noticeable. I'll play around with them and see how they look in different environments.
I thought about doing that, and you can test it by adding a rule to a:hover in the web inspector, but after seeing it live I thought it looked to heavy. It's good to have a more understated style for certain links. In my previous comments I used a shade of gray for the anchors where I thought that was the case, but feel free to propose any changes if you think differently.
An underline should always be added on hover. A gray link becomes blue on hover.
Of course, this can and should evolve if necessary. My question is to know what the rule is so that we can apply it consistently. I think that gray/dark gray/black links are already understated on their own, so I don't see why they can't turn blue on hover since you are focusing your attention on them.
We are now turning the black nav and sub nav links blue on hover (I think the color in my MR will need to be updated to what we decide here). I think this is another reason we should just make everything consistent and turn black links blue on hover as well. We already do this for some black links, like the ones on the sidebar.
I've been playing around with making all anchors turn dark blue and I think it can work okay. I think the problem I was seeing before was the change from a dark color like #333 to our light anchor color, which looked a little jarring.
I made some screen recordings to show the difference between the color Pedro proposed (#005299) and the one I had used previously (2e699c). The more saturated color (#005299) looks a little intense to me, maybe because it reminds me more of the classic 0000ff that everyone used to use for anchors, but I'd love to get your opinions because it's not just me who will be looking at these links all day.
@cperessini Thanks for making those clips, it really helps I prefer the more saturated one (#005299). Mostly because of the difference when you hover a normal blue link. I think the less saturated one (#2e699c) is too subtle when hovering normal blue links. If you still think the saturated one is too intense, maybe we should tweak it a bit?
I agree with @pedroms here. I prefer #005299 because there is visible difference between the link color and the hover color. If there isn't a strong candidate for a third option (and I don't think there needs to be), I would vote to go with #005299.
@tauriedavis Agree. After taking a break from looking at these colors every day, I can now see that #005299 is good. I'll update the issue with the final decision.
@lbennett: I believe you are working on this (along with #24129 (moved) and #24125 (moved)) for 8.16. Let me know if you have any questions about the design for these issues. Thanks!
@awhildy I will be! This is going to be an interesting adventure into the depths of our css, it could either be really simple or really tough. I'll get started on this shortly :)
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