step two of the ubuntu install. I setup a vm and install ubuntu zesty on it 17.04 i believe I checked and made sure it was supported by gitlab and it is. When I run
It acts like its downloading and it will then say that it's ready for install. I then run the next command.
sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce
but it says it can't find the files. I tried running the first line of code without the | sudo bash and it returns a error saying that it was
unable to download the repo config from "${apt_config_url}" This usually happens if the operating system is not support by packagecloud.io or this script's os detection failed.
It then tells you that you can override the script by manually putting in the os=ubuntu and dist=zesty but I couldn't get it to work at all.
@ClemMakesApps I will try these options again I tried two of them but when I was looking for the vagrant instructions I thought I found an easier install turns out you are right it was just the CE version. I'm going to try the dev again and I will let you know where I get held up.
Looking this over @ClemMakesApps. The role does not currently stack with the spacing that @hazelyang specifies in her designs. Doing so will help make this look more polished.
The problem area comes in on the listing that shows it's you. The org name (a new feature since these designs were made) should stack below this label on mobile. All text should left-align properly as in Hazel's designs. I am not sure why your desktop view shows the gitlab.org on the second line in the admins details, it should not.
@hazelyang Can you add the organization name element to your designs so @ClemMakesApps is clear on what this should look like? Thanks in advance
Let me know if you get stuck @brianmcoates. This issue is a weird situation where it was Accepting Merge Requests and then it got scheduled, so we are trying to get it in %9.4 (Before July 7th). If you are unable to get it, I can finish it up
@ClemMakesApps hey man still having issues after the instructions that you forwarded me. Go ahead and do it but if you can @ me on a new issue that would be great I'm still really wanting to contribute just having so many issues with the environment getting setup.
Could use some UX guidance here. This is what it looks like currently on master when you invite a user (that isn't signed up yet) using their email address
There appears to be a lot of extra space between the resend invite and trash icon on the invited user row. This space should be consistent with the line above, the G... dropdown should lengthen to fill in that bit of extra space. That still won't help much to make the dropdown and expiration text readable. Is there anything we can do to shorten that message? Do we really need to spell out Administrator, could we shorten it to Admin?
Also, the hour ago should left align with the rest of the text.
Feel free to ping me if you need more input @ClemMakesApps.
Thats just the name of the user which I guess sometimes could be short, sometimes could be long.
What if we move the resend button so that it's below the trash icon? Not ideal but the G dropdown is the same as the one above it (where it says Developer)
Thats just the name of the user which I guess sometimes could be short, sometimes could be long.
Makes total sense.
Based on the chat we had in slack about this:
This is only an issue in the large screen due to the 2 column layout
The message and expiration dates must remain
I don't believe we should drop the resend icon down
My suggestion is to make the Resend Invite an icon button with the tooltip being the current text. We could use the fa-paper-plane icon.
@tauriedavis, I know that you mentioned we are moving away from the two-column layout which will essentially make this a moot point, but I don't know when that will happen. Thoughts?
I'm not sure if that makes it a moot point. The original issue is at least still valid since the mobile view doesn't use a two-column layout.
I'm not sure if the problem that Clement is mentioning will still be an issue. It depends on the breakpoints. But it certainly would become less of a problem.
Changing the members page to one column would be very easy because it does not need to include the expand/collapse panels we are adding elsewhere. Perhaps we just address the issue description here and look at the other buttons when in non-mobile view during that change?
Here's what it looks like when I add the paper-plane icon. Not sure if we wanted to keep the input and dropdown widths the same as the row before @tauriedavis@sarrahvesselov
It bothers me that the inputs don't align. Can we move the resend invite to the left so everything else is still aligned? See any issues with that @sarrahvesselov?