@tinganho Thanks for your feedback. Please could you edit this issue so that it conforms with our contributing guidelines. The issue should really reflect an actionable feature proposal or bug report.
It would be great if you could provide screenshots of the specific parts of the application that are causing you the most trouble. The more descriptive the issue, the more you are helping someone to help you.
We just merged a change to the max-width for issues and MRs in order to improve line length and readability. It should be released with 8.15! !7858 (merged)
It seems much better.
Can you provide some more feedback about markdown? For colors are you referencing Syntax highlighting? If so, please see #19617 (moved) and feel free to add suggestions!
Syntax highlighting only seem to highlight with bold and red on TypeScript. Though, I can see more colors on other programming languages lik C++. I don't really like the chosen colors mainly, because they look like part of the text and not an embed. It would be also good with some kind of background on all embeds to separate it from the regular text.
I would suggest:
use black on only identifiers.
keywords use a different,
types use a different color,
literal a different color.
In overall, more contrast to separate different text elements.
My other complain is the readability. Though, I think my main issue is that all UI elements is very lefty and have a very HUGE max-width, like you where optimizing for a mobile screen size. The max-width issue is not only on markdown but in almost everything in Gitlab. And about the lefty issue. Take a look at this comment list:
It begins 16px from my screen on MBP 13" ! I Usually read text a little bit more centered.
Would also be good to increase the contrast between citations and regular text:
So in summary more contrast on text and less width. I hope that could help.
Let me know if I've missed any concerns. I think the lefty problem that you mention will be addressed by reducing the container width which also reduces the max line length as well.