#26882 (closed) Hard to filter by "Me" with current filter dropdown | #26765 (closed) Search bar author and assignee dropdown should start with current user
#26670 (closed) Can't multi-select labels with mouse, can only do it by typing - attempting to do it via mouse unexpectedly clears currently selected label filter
@victorwu: Here is the list of next steps for us to prioritize with the search bar work. While some of the high priority items may seem small, this is a feature where the micro-interaction details are key for it to really shine and feel great. Thanks!
@victorwu: This issue came up in a conversation with the UXers at the summit (@cperessini@dzaporozhets@dimitrieh@tauriedavis@pedroms@sarahod). The concern came up about not implementing the same design on the Merge Requests list (https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests) that we have on the Issues list. There is a feeling that these two list pages should be kept in sync. @dzaporozhets mentioned that it should be pretty easy from a technical perspective to translate the current design to the Merge Request list. Do you have an idea of how much work that is, thoughts on that priority, and if we can get that done sooner rather than later? Thanks!
@awhildy : Yep, this makes sense. Basically should we go deep first or wide first?
My initial thoughts are that we should do a few more iterations on the issues side first before porting the design over to merge requests (that's the existing order in the issue description above). That way we can compare the two designs in production. And if we have to tweak the design based on feedback, we can do it in one area, get it to a steady state, and then port it.
The alternative is to go wide first, and port to merge requests with whatever we have. This is driven more by consistency as soon as possible, I guess?
I think it makes sense to bring it over to MRs after the first iteration from a usability standpoint, we would just want to have better test coverage to make sure nothing gets missed. It's not trivial but its not extremely difficult to do.
We have a few ideas for next steps to improve usability at the top in the description. Let's aim for this in 8.17 and anything else that we can determine are major usability pain points. And then let's port to merge requests as a stretch goal. But for 8.17 I'd say let's get it to stable place where everyone is comfortable with the basic usability: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/26749.
I've also created https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/26844 (New search bar performs a new request for each 'tag'), if someone could add mine and ZJ's issues to the list above, that would be great!
If we move the search bar to the MR tab, is that the only work we can plan for in 8.17? Trying to balance largest usability concerns with easiest to quickly address. Thanks!
@victorwu Just to give you a heads up, we now have some videos of users interacting with the issue filter. I have 2 videos so far, which I've analysed and I hope to have the final 3 videos by the end of tomorrow. You can find my analysis within my [research plan] (#26945 (closed) ).
You will also find in the plan, direct links to the videos on YouTube. I've timestamped them so you can skip to the most relevant bits imo.
If you want to discuss any of the research (e.g. why tasks are worded in a particular way) then do feel free to schedule a call with me.
Thanks @sarahod . I'll review this soon hopefully today or tomorrow, and based on that, clean up some issues here and you can help with some of the priority of major pain points. Thanks!
marked the task #26670 (closed) Auto space and dropdown in issues search bar as completed
username-removed-636429marked the task Can’t multi-select labels with mouse, can only do it by typing - attempting to do it via mouse unexpectedly clears currently selected label filter as completed
marked the task Can’t multi-select labels with mouse, can only do it by typing - attempting to do it via mouse unexpectedly clears currently selected label filter as completed
username-removed-636429marked the task Once label is typed in search field, clicking back in search field doesn’t display all top-level filter options, only labels - have to press space to get all other options as completed
marked the task Once label is typed in search field, clicking back in search field doesn’t display all top-level filter options, only labels - have to press space to get all other options as completed
username-removed-636429marked the task Clicking on "Keep typing and press Enter" should perform the search as completed
marked the task Clicking on "Keep typing and press Enter" should perform the search as completed
@victorwu looks like @iamphill already got filter dropdowns to open based on where the cursor selection is. Do we want the big goal for %8.17 to be to move the filtered search to the merge requests page?
marked the task #27176 (closed) Filtered search bar assigned to me option as completed
Victor Wumarked the task #26670 (closed) Can't multi-select labels with mouse, can only do it by typing - attempting to do it via mouse unexpectedly clears currently selected label filter as completed
marked the task #26670 (closed) Can't multi-select labels with mouse, can only do it by typing - attempting to do it via mouse unexpectedly clears currently selected label filter as completed
@jschatz1 : What do you mean? We have a few issues I think for improving the search bar. Like the label colors and introducing the xs. Nothing urgent here I think?
GitLab is moving all development for both GitLab Community Edition
and Enterprise Edition into a single codebase. The current
gitlab-ce repository will become a read-only mirror, without any
proprietary code. All development is moved to the current
gitlab-ee repository, which we will rename to just gitlab in the
coming weeks. As part of this migration, issues will be moved to the
current gitlab-ee project.
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dedicated FAQ issue.
Using "gitlab" and "gitlab-ce" would be confusing, so we decided to
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I created a merge requests for CE, and this got closed. What do I
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Will you accept merge requests on the gitlab-ce/gitlab-foss project
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No. Merge requests submitted to this project will be closed automatically.
Will I still be able to view old issues and merge requests in
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How will this affect users of GitLab CE that build from source?
Once the project has been renamed, you will need to change your Git
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as soon as the projects have been renamed.
Where can I see a timeline of the remaining steps?