default dashboard -activity
in 8.0 I am forced to have when I login as default the project list. again for hosted gitlab this might be a nice feature as member of a private instance its really totally useless having to stare each time at a useless (to us of course) static page. (I know which projects I am member of really...). Having as choice (a choice would be nice) to have as default dashboard the activity-list of all activity in all the projects I am, member of would be far more useful (and starred projects is totally useless for us in a private instance). (Really miss the activity list with small on the side projectlist.)
Can we please have the option/choice to have as default dashboard the activity-list (we miss it). I understand the need for change, the ui tending towards hosted gitlab but please let us not forget the private instances.
@sytses (sorry to add you but...) We had these discussions a few months ago, do we really need every-time these discussions again about the activity-log ? True its always useful discussing but its a option we really would like to keep (activity-logs), as a member of teams I know which projects I am part of I rather see the activity-log on login. And as for the rest if the ui, we al love it looks really clean + new font.
To everyone : all we ask is just the option per user to set default dashboard to activity. (no hate please just a choice to add) Just a request :)
Also just noticed : when you go in a group and see the activity page it looks like we used to have it. For consistency why can the overall activity page not look the same ? (we did like that overview)