@dainius Thanks for your feedback and proposal. It makes sense. To clarify, so your workflow is to use WIP Merge Requests until the feature is complete (and to prevent automated builds for your new pushes) and when removing the WIP flag you'd like the automated builds to commence?
@markglenfletcher exactly and thanks for the reply.
We would like to keep this trigger inside of gitlab (using Jira webhooks on transitions is an alternative)
I can imagine this to be an addition to the current set of webhooks.
note: we are using gitlab ee, but I believe such trigger would be useful for a wider public too.
@dainius @markglenfletcher I don't know, I think that WIP shouldn't mean no CI. In fact, I know some developers that like to have all their commits to be green, even when the merge request is still in a WIP state. /cc @grzesiek
One thing you could already do is to include [ci skip] in your commit to skip the CI builds.
I think this might be a good reason to use optional manual actions. You would simply need to click a manual action to execute builds. This feature might need some refinement, but we also plan to execute a test job for full QA integration tests only before the merge. I'm still not sure what would be the best approach to achieve that. I have a gut feeling that we might need https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/23902, making a merge request a first-class citizen in .gitlab-ci.yml and building similar future on top of that, but this concept still requires some product work. What do you think @joshlambert?
Thanks @dainius for the submission. I tend to agree this may be a good use of manual actions, for now. CI operates primarily on branches right now, and not MR's to your point @grzesiek. So I'd rather make specific MR based features part of (or on top of) #23902 (moved). I think this will keep things cleaner and more logical.
I am nicely surprised that this ticket was picked up so quickly and sparked a discussion.
Options discussed:
[ci skip]
This option implies commiting only for triggering tests. In my opinion, commits should be used to alter the state of the codebase, but not configure continuous integration.
Manual Actions
The concern with Manual Actions is that it requires an action solely for the purpose of triggering tests. This increases the number of steps in our workflow, which we would like to minimize. In addition, this step can be forgotten.
We create a new pipeline when a new merge request is opened,We create a new pipeline for every merge request that gets updated by push,
In both cases the trigger would be too often.
I believe I should have provided this information in the initial request. There should be no feature requests without why.
We run unit tests on each push. Its great because it is fast. Its true.
Feature tests (cucumber/watir) takes 70min to run and is growing. We cant execute them on every commit and there is not really a need for it. Running them once before merging seems to be sufficient.
Our application consists of three gitlab projects - one backend and two frontends. A script starts servers on branches where code was changed, otherwise default to master. Branch names across projects has a common identifier which is a ticket number.
Currently we need have to have a pipeline for each project as we cant share the state of it across the projects.
I imagine a job run only on triggers defined in .gitlab-ci.yml
The issue is when to fire up the script to start the tests.
Why webhook on removing wip?
'wip' already provides a visual cue for the state of the merge request
it disables the Accept button as we dont want the tests to be merged
it seems like a good time to start expensive system tests, since work on the branch is done
This feature request focuses on wip prefix, but the underlying idea is to have more control on when to start tests, whilst streamlining the workflow and keeping our devs happy. On a sidenote, I imagine webhooks for adding/removing labels being helpful too.
GitLab is moving all development for both GitLab Community Edition
and Enterprise Edition into a single codebase. The current
gitlab-ce repository will become a read-only mirror, without any
proprietary code. All development is moved to the current
gitlab-ee repository, which we will rename to just gitlab in the
coming weeks. As part of this migration, issues will be moved to the
current gitlab-ee project.
If you have any questions about all of this, please ask them in our
dedicated FAQ issue.
Using "gitlab" and "gitlab-ce" would be confusing, so we decided to
rename gitlab-ce to gitlab-foss to make the purpose of this FOSS
repository more clear
I created a merge requests for CE, and this got closed. What do I
need to do?
Everything in the ee/ directory is proprietary. Everything else is
free and open source software. If your merge request does not change
anything in the ee/ directory, the process of contributing changes
is the same as when using the gitlab-ce repository.
Will you accept merge requests on the gitlab-ce/gitlab-foss project
after it has been renamed?
No. Merge requests submitted to this project will be closed automatically.
Will I still be able to view old issues and merge requests in
How will this affect users of GitLab CE using Omnibus?
No changes will be necessary, as the packages built remain the same.
How will this affect users of GitLab CE that build from source?
Once the project has been renamed, you will need to change your Git
remotes to use this new URL. GitLab will take care of redirecting Git
operations so there is no hard deadline, but we recommend doing this
as soon as the projects have been renamed.
Where can I see a timeline of the remaining steps?