As a GitLab user viewing an issues page, I would like the list of issues sorted by the number votes in descending order so that more important issues bubble to the top.
I believe this would best be approached by adding a votes column to the issues table. I believe this would enable the continuation of pagination more easily.
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@sytses this must be on your radar some way, some how? Why else would votes be added to GitLab other than to increase the visibility of an issue with respect to other issues?
I would need to get into the db portion of the code a bit more. I have an implementation of this for our own use, but it does not include pagination, which as I said would likely require a column change.
Beyond that, I need to get up to speed on how to submit to GitLab properly/as expected.
@dzaporozhets out of curiosity, where did votes go (starting 8.2)? Are they coming back? We use them extensively here to open up our project governance to all employees via vote feedback. Would you be open to the idea(s) expressed in the description of this issue?
@dzaporozhets I suspect that sorting by votes within a single project is the simplest case. I think for consistency, sorting by votes when there are many projects (at the group or dashboard level) should also be possible. This would mean interleaving the projects which is not what the UI currently does (it groups by project). What are your thoughts?
Really hope to see the ability to sort issues by votes soon. I think it was a bad idea to move the feature tracker to GitLab before implementing this feature as now it is hard to tell what the most popular feature requests are.
@dzaporozhets now that we are updated to 8.5 on-premise, I can say that most of what's left to do I think is more about #5881 (closed) than anything. The coarse-grain levels (dashboard and group) do "sort" by most popular, but the ability to interlace projects at those coarse-grain levels would take sorting by votes to another level.