Could we have the import tool support importing git repositories with above nested groups?
Alternatively could we support to import all the required git repositories based on the Android repo manifest file, for example, the default one at ?
I think the existing import tool belongs more to Platform than Discussion, so I'll let @DouweM take a look at this.
First thoughts: I didn't even know we had this! Is it something we want to continue supporting? (If people use it frequently, then I guess we do need to do so!)
@xiaogang_gitlab Are you suggesting to have the import tool support importing nested groups? That's not directly related to Gerrit/AOSP as far as I can see. If it currently doesn't, that sounds like a bug we should fix. /cc @dzaporozhets
I think it would also be interesting to build an actual Gerrit importer tool in the GitLab UI that understands that manifest format and imports all the projects into a specific group, but that's obviously more complex :)
@DouweM Yes for the import tool to import from the repo storage into the Gitlab and present the multi-layer paths in the way as Google like Since it remains the same structure, there's almost no need for end users to update their script.
Yes it would be even better to have the capability to parse the manifest files.
At current state import from URL does not support URL parsing with automatic creating of groups hierarchy. I think we can make it work with manifest file. Its not necessary related to nested groups as it should be able to work with flat and deep nested structure. I believe main benefit here is providing one file to GitLab and have GitLab creating all necessary groups, nested groups and projects. /cc @DouweM
@dzaporozhets The request as written seems to be about the existing tool, which looks at the dirs in repositories and automatically creates groups/projects for them. I don't think that currently works with nested groups.
@DouweM I can confirm that it does not import existing repositories with nested subdirectories. We are running a trial right now. Here is the message I sent to our trial contact regarding this:
Importing an existing project with nested directories using gitlab-rake gitlab:import:repos does not create subgroups or move imported repositories into subgroups even if the entire group structure was created in the GUI before the import. I tried importing both with no existing groups and also importing after I manually created nested groups to match our structure. In both cases the imports failed with the message " * Failed trying to create group top_group/subgroup"
The request as written seems to be about the existing tool, which looks at the dirs in repositories and automatically creates groups/projects for them. I don't think that currently works with nested groups
@DouweM ok then we should implement/fix it. Probably should be a separate issue describing exact problem
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