GitLab 7.14/8.0: code discussion contents not shown in commit page after upgrade form 7.13.5 to 8.0.3
I recently upgraded from GitLab 7.13.5 to 8.0.3, in two stages -- first form 7.13.5 to 7.14.3, and then from 7.14.3 to 8.0.3.
After this upgrade was complete, as part of normal testing, I noticed that commit file comments (for changed lines) do not seem to be displayed. They do seem to be persisted. However, I do not see any errors in the logfiles.
Steps to repro:
- push a commit modifying a file -- date > hello.txt
- in GitLab UI (as any user -- admin or not), navigate to commit
- click to the left of one of the changed lines to comment on it, click add comment
- enter a comment. the UI shows the comment.
- now refresh the page. the UI no longer shows the comment. click the toggle comment button, but still the comment does not show
- click on the project view, click comments. Here you can see the comments.
Comments at the commit level itself (not on a specific file line) are visible. It appears to only be an issue for file line comments.
Any ideas what might be causing this? We frequently use this feature for code reviews, so being unable to see the comments is a concern for us.