Pagination / Better Filters for Merge Requests Page
The Merge Request Pages are kind of difficult to navigate when there are many merge requests. LEx: 40 Merge Requests. Sometimes the "Suggest" filter doesn't pull the intended Request.
The Filters currently Present are by Name, Last Updated and Oldest Updated . Sometimes these make it harder . Most of the cases the Last Updated or Oldest Udpated is more useful that Name.
No easy way to identify What is Merged vs Not Merged . A filter for this would be good. As mentioned in the first point If there are 40 Merge requests it is kind of difficult to filter the one which are merged vs not merged.
- Have a Pagination for Merge Request Page where a user can easily navigate back and Forth
- Additional Filter "Merged" vs "Not Merged"
- Remember the last sort
Links / references
Documentation blurb
(Write the start of the documentation of this feature here, include:
- Why should someone use it; what's the underlying problem.
- What is the solution.
- How does someone use this
During implementation, this can then be copied and used as a starter for the documentation.)