We should probably consider a more generic place to show consumables like this, because we will probably sell additional Storage as well. I am working to lay out a starting point for that here: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/30336
Perhaps we should make a new tab in the Project Settings area titled "Usage"?
My point on having a dedicated tab is that we will be metering for additional items in the future, namely storage. Given that, it would be good to have a single place to see your limits and your usage of them.
@pedroms to clarify on the ux meeting. I was talking about something slightly different than what this issue is about . My thinking was how to see when someone's individual usage of the group minutes.
While this issue is to show someones individual pipeline minutes, which has nothing to do with groups :).
It makes sense to me to show this in the personal settings
I know this is scheduled for %9.3, but I wasn't aware I'd be assigned to it until now. Since the design isn't finished yet, it may be cutting it very close to try to fit this in with my other CI and non-CI deliverables for this release.
@bikebilly I'm missing context here on why are you calling me on this.
From the operational perspective, I jus think that it should be easy to find who is over quota (or close to reaching it) from a list somewhere. I would also like not having to use an admin account to get that data, or just to be able of getting it using our chatops solution, which means that we should be able of getting it through the API with an admin account.
@bikebilly I don't agree with putting this information in the “User profile” for the reasons I outlined before.
I thought about this a bit more and a specific tab is better:
If we are fairly certain that this kind of information will grow in the 1 or 2 releases, users will benefit from having a specific location for this, even if we only have the pipeline quota in the beginning.
Also, having a tab named Usage as you suggest will prepare users for additional information related to this topic.