Provide play button for manual jobs in the build view
The only place I can trigger the manual builds is the pipeline overview that shows all jobs of the pipeline. When following the link to the manual job, it is shown as pending - build id is already created, environment blurb and, commit info is shown, the "build details" column and the log output are initialised already, showing a spinner that the job hasn't started yet.
I'm severely missing a big fat button on that build page that allows me to trigger the manual build, at least once all dependencies are met.
The build page should show
- the spinner, accompanied by a link/name of the dependency it is waiting for
- the play button to start the job now
- the spinner, with the log output of the running job
- the log output of the finished job
Currently steps 1 & 2 in that process are not distinguishable, there is no info what it is waiting for (dependencies or user input) and no possible action.