Auto DevOps should use helm chart
We currently create Kubernetes configuration by interpolating variables inside inline k8s object YAML. We should use helm charts instead.
Option 1. Move kubernetes object configuration into helm chart file in kubernetes-auto-deploy.
Option 2. Use external helm chart auto-deploy-app
from This may extend well into if we let people specify their own helm chart via a project variable. This way they could specify their own stable chart, a private chart, or even a local filesystem chart. But it would default to gitlab/auto-deploy-app
Links / references
Documentation blurb
GitLab 9.3 adds support for leveraging Helm Charts when using Auto Deploy.
(Write the start of the documentation of this feature here, include:
- Why should someone use it; what's the underlying problem.
- What is the solution.
- How does someone use this
During implementation, this can then be copied and used as a starter for the documentation.)