Markdown lists borked in 9.0
I do not know if bugs here warrant individual tickets. I suspect not, as the Markdown formatting library is 3rd party, is it?
This is a new bug in version 9.0 (we are using EE if this matters). Existing Wiki pages were broken.
In a page with a list, if code follows the list, first list item has the code formatted incorrectly:
Problematic formatting:
Fixed by adding another list item before the first: but with a twist: added asterisk, space and two new lines at the very start of file. Just asterisk, some text and a single new line does not cut it!
When list contains code in three backtick blocks, and the code block has an empty line in it, the empty line seems to take precedence as a list terminator, and the rest of code is formatted as text.
Problematic formatting:
Same code outside of list is normal: