Add index on ci_commits(gl_project_id)
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_commits_on_gl_project_id ON ci_commits (gl_project_id);
This stopped from burning down just now.
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_commits_on_gl_project_id ON ci_commits (gl_project_id);
This stopped from burning down just now.
Milestone changed to 8.1
Reassigned to @yorickpeterse
We should add normal ActiveRecord index.
mentioned in commit c6be5006
Since we manually created this index on we'll also need to manually insert the version into the schema_migrations
table using (version as per !1616 (merged)):
insert into schema_migrations values ('20151016131433');
Other users won't have to do this, they can just run the database migrations as they usually would.
Just added this entry to schema_migrations
mentioned in issue #3078 (closed)
Status changed to closed by commit c6be5006