Retry or cancel a non-latest pipeline from the list doesn't expire ETag cache
Updated: Looks like this only happens on non-latest pipeline?
Retry or cancel a pipeline from the list doesn't expire ETag cache. It would show the original status for a long while, but if we click on the pipeline directly, or use a private tab to check the list, we could see the updated status.
Steps to reproduce
- Find a merge request having failed or running pipelines
- Check the pipeline lists for that merge request
- Click on retry or cancel button for one of the pipeline
- Wait for the pipeline to update its status
- Check the pipeline status by clicking on pipeline directly; Or check the list by a private tab
What is the current bug behavior?
Pipeline list is cached via ETag which was not properly expired after the pipeline status changed
What is the expected correct behavior?
Checking the pipeline page directly, or checking with a private tab, should show the same status for the pipeline.
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
I'll attach one when I found another merge request for this.