Improve canary deployment docs
@markpundsack and I had a discussion about the docs on canaries being confusing. Quoting:
It seems to me, we should describe all the requirements for using deploy boards (which we do), then say this is all handled automatically if you use Auto Deploy, which we should link to or describe inline how to configure auto deploy. If we then want to talk about customizing auto deploy, we should do that, but in that context.
The current stuff about Kubernetes configuration feels really confusing.
Is that really want we want to recommend?
Honestly I’m a bit conflicted on this. I think part of the answer is to move to Helm charts and then give instructions for how to customize helm charts, but that’s not happening this release
So part of me wants to skip telling people how to customize it at all until it’s more mature.
And just tell people how to use auto deploy, or how to use raw labels and let them figure out what their CI/CD pipeline looks like to achieve that
It just threw me that we were talking about kubernetes-deploy inside deploy boards
Maybe if we moved it to That example feels like “extending auto deploy” or something like that but not what I’d recommend for “real” canary deploys
I expect there are people with existing k8s deploys, and they just need to know the magic labels to make it show up