Link to runner on the build page is broken
If I try to go to the runner linked on the build page
I get a 500error page:
ActionView::Template::Error (Ci::Project#name_with_namespace delegated to gl_project.name_with_namespace, but gl_project is nil: #<Ci::Project id: 29, name: "GitLab / cookbook-gitlab", timeout: 1800, created_at: "2013-12-25 11:01:59", updated_at: "2013-12-25 11:02:35", token: "a4684678aff0970aee5c90d3d155b2", default_ref: "master", path: "gitlab/cookbook-gitlab", always_build: false, polling_interval: nil, public: false, ssh_url_to_repo: "", gitlab_id: 228, allow_git_fetch: false, email_recipients: "", email_add_pusher: true, email_only_broken_builds: true, skip_refs: nil, coverage_regex: nil, shared_runners_enabled: true, generated_yaml_config: "# This file is generated by GitLab CI\n'':\n script...">):
83: - @projects.each do |project|
84: %tr
85: %td
86: =
87: %td
88: .pull-right
89: = form_for [:ci, :admin, project,] do |f|
app/models/ci/project.rb:51:in `rescue in name_with_namespace'
app/models/ci/project.rb:51:in `name_with_namespace'
app/models/ci/project.rb:107:in `name'
app/views/ci/admin/runners/show.html.haml:86:in `block in _app_views_ci_admin_runners_show_html_haml__3102657752850007386_70304685195960'
app/views/ci/admin/runners/show.html.haml:83:in `_app_views_ci_admin_runners_show_html_haml__3102657752850007386_70304685195960'