line-number anchor lost in sign-in redirect
Links to a specific line in a file lose their line-number anchor after the user has been redirected to the sign in page.
Steps to reproduce
Take a link to a line in some file contained in a password-protected repo: (This exact example does not work, of course. I am not sure how to give an example with a password-protected repo accessible to everybody.)
Steps to reproduce the problem(s):
- sign out from
- paste link in address bar
- gitlab redirects to
- sign in
- gitlab redirects to myfile, but the line number anchor is lost
What is the current bug behavior?
- in step 3 the anchor is used in the sign in page, where it is useless
- in step 5 the anchor is lost after the sign in is completed
What is the expected correct behavior?
- in step 3 the anchor is stored as redirect-after login target, but not used on the sign-in page itself
- in step 5 the anchor is included in the redirect
Results of GitLab environment info
Sorry, I cannot give more details than that the site with the problem uses GitLab Community Edition 9.1.4 fed799ae and ldap login.