Second step in manual pipeline cannot be executed
I have a pipeline with 2 steps, both set to when: manual
. It is impossible to execute the second step. The "Play" Button is not displayed in the interface.
Once I add an automatic step as a first step to the pipeline, I can execute the two following manual jobs in any order.
Steps to reproduce
Create a new project and add a .gitlab-ci.yml
with the following contents:
- build
- deploy
Build Project:
stage: build
- echo "building project..."
when: manual
Deploy Project:
stage: deploy
- echo "deploying project..."
when: manual
Got to pipelines and click "Play" on the "Build Project" Job.
What is the current bug behavior?
The first Job can be executed via the "Play" Button. The second Job does not have a "Play" Button.
What is the expected correct behavior?
The second Job should have a "Play" Button as well.
Add a "dummy" step to the pipeline which is triggered automatically in the .gitlab-ci.yml
- dummy
- build
- deploy
Dummy Step:
stage: dummy
- echo "dummy"
Build Project:
stage: build
- echo "building project..."
when: manual
Deploy Project:
stage: deploy
- echo "deploying project..."
when: manual
Then, the "Dummy" Step will run automatically and both manual Jobs will have the "Play" Button.
Version Info
GitLab Community Edition 9.1.4 fed799ae