Make edit comment button always available outside of dropdown
to quote myself from chat
How do we feel about this feature? I think it’s nice, but went maybe a little to far. I think the edit button, which is the most frequently used should stay available outside of the pop-up, while more severe actions such as delete and reporting of abuse can be in the popup
I think in this direction, because we are not a IM messaging platform such as slack.. so comments have more weight to it.. thus editing of comments happens more often. Also the shortcut with button up.. is a bit of a power user feature.
Requirements for this issue
- Move edit icon out of dropdown. It is shown (outside the dropdown), if the user has permissions to edit the comment.
- The kebab menu also is present. The menu items in the kebab menu are
Report as abuse
andDelete comment
. These items are shown only if the user has permissions.
Original proposal
That means that the dropdown sometimes only has one item available Report abuse
when Delete comment
is not available.
- If dropdown would only have one item.. just use icon.. instead of 1 icon.
Probably needed here: icon for Report abuse
cc: @hazelyang
cc: @JobV @dzaporozhets @kushalpandya (as you were part of the conversation at cc: @victorwu @smcgivern (can we see this as either an iteration or a regression fix?)