Labeled runners should not build unlabeled jobs
At our company we created a pool of generic shared-runners (unlabeled) where recently we added a docker-runner to (labeled 'docker'). It turns out this runner is also building unlabeled jobs, resulting in intermittent failures.
As we didn't want to bother project-owners with looking up tags as part of the CI-setup, we never instructed them to tag jobs. With the new docker-runner though we are forced to ask all of them to update their current jobs with a tag like 'shared' or whatever; which is a pain and feels kinda stupid.
The flow to make the CI 'just work' for projects became much easier recently (add .gitlab-ci.yml to enable, shared-runners enabled by default). Above behavior though would mean adding tags should be a necessary step to prevent failure when an odd-runner is added to the pool sometime in the future.
Please consider changing this.