The organization I work ( runs and support different whistleblowing initiatives around the world, some in technically dangerous or non-friendly environments such as Mexico or Ecuador.
We actually are forced to disable email notifications - although we consider them extremely important and with high organizational relevance - because they all come unencrypted.
Softwares like Globaleaks (we use it as our dropbox tool), provide PGP encrypted e-mail notifications and I honestly think it would not be very difficult to implement it on Gitlab as well.
Basically, it is about the right and ability to be able to code or organize projects in a safer way.
PGP encrypted email feature could be useful. Yes, open-source projects shouldn't need PGP but we do support private repositories and many companies also develop private, proprietary software within GitLab. Companies may also discuss trade secrets in comments. The use-case @infosquatter mentions fits in, too.
It's worth exploring further to see how much work this would be.
Alright. Amazing would be if users could just upload their public PGP key and start receiving all the notifications encrypted. Keep us posted if you make developments on that!
I like this discussion, it’s an important one to have, but I remain sceptical about the PGP encryption of email notifications as the solution. It would be a neat feature to have for sure, but I feel it might be overengineering for the use cases described here.
Before you start throwing in the heavy guns to protect potentially sensitive discussions (email) of public or private repos and the issues therewith, shouldn’t you first ensure that the data your discussing – those very same repos – are carefully protected at rest?
Has Gitlab been security audited? Has its API and its access control policies? Running a Gitlab node behind a TOR hidden service is all nice and well, but it’s useless if API or web access to the data, which you expose over TOR, has not been security audited; that's security through obscurity (obscure TOR hidden service) only.
The larger question that I’ve been thinking about recently is whether Git is a suitable piece of software to manage sensitive documents and versioning, especially when the repo is hosted ‘in the cloud’, be it a repo on Github or a private but remote Gitlab deployment. I’d love to take the discussion in that direction.
It looks like there's a gem for adding encryption to the emails already. Shouldn't be too difficult to provide a place for the user to upload a public key and then add that encryption in to the mail function if they have put one there.
I don't have much experience with this, so if someone else wants to take a shot at it, that's fine. Otherwise, I'll see what I might need to do to add this myself.
Hey, I actually started developing this feature two month ago. Currently User can upload their PGP Key and configure if they want to receive signed and/or encrypted messages. In the gilab.yml config file the pgp feature can be disabled and the signing key inc. passphrase can be specified. When a user added a pgp key, the fingerprint will be visible on the profile page and by clicking on it you get the fill key as plaintext. What I am still working on is the support for reply by email and some code cleanup.
There are also some new dependencies for GitLab. First GnuPG must be installed on the system and two new gems are necessary: gpgme and mail-gpg.
I will send a WIP MR this evening, so that you may have a preview of the code.
@mflorkow Thanks! Please be aware that settings should go into the admin application settings, not gitlab.yml. Did you know we already have ssh keys visible? Consider constructing the pgp key the same way and link both from the user profile page (right now the ssh keys are unlisted, it would be great to fix that).
Another +1 here. Use case: I often manage deployment configuration of my servers in Gitlab. As long as I trust the server, I think it's fine to put secrets in the repository. But if e-mail change notifications are sent around in plaintext containing these secrets, that's a big problem.
If someone implements the PGP support, it would also be nice if it would be done in a way that allows adding S/MIME encryption later on.
GitLab is moving all development for both GitLab Community Edition
and Enterprise Edition into a single codebase. The current
gitlab-ce repository will become a read-only mirror, without any
proprietary code. All development is moved to the current
gitlab-ee repository, which we will rename to just gitlab in the
coming weeks. As part of this migration, issues will be moved to the
current gitlab-ee project.
If you have any questions about all of this, please ask them in our
dedicated FAQ issue.
Using "gitlab" and "gitlab-ce" would be confusing, so we decided to
rename gitlab-ce to gitlab-foss to make the purpose of this FOSS
repository more clear
I created a merge requests for CE, and this got closed. What do I
need to do?
Everything in the ee/ directory is proprietary. Everything else is
free and open source software. If your merge request does not change
anything in the ee/ directory, the process of contributing changes
is the same as when using the gitlab-ce repository.
Will you accept merge requests on the gitlab-ce/gitlab-foss project
after it has been renamed?
No. Merge requests submitted to this project will be closed automatically.
Will I still be able to view old issues and merge requests in
How will this affect users of GitLab CE using Omnibus?
No changes will be necessary, as the packages built remain the same.
How will this affect users of GitLab CE that build from source?
Once the project has been renamed, you will need to change your Git
remotes to use this new URL. GitLab will take care of redirecting Git
operations so there is no hard deadline, but we recommend doing this
as soon as the projects have been renamed.
Where can I see a timeline of the remaining steps?