In order to provide quicker access to projects we add a dropdown to the Projects link in the top bar. The dropdown will open on click, following the behavior of the + button and personal dropdowns in the top bar.
The dropdown will contain direct links to the different subsections of the Projects dashboard (Your Projects, Starred Projects and Explore projects).
On the right-hand side of the dropdown we will show a list of frequently accessed projects and a search box to navigate to other projects not present in the list.
The list of frequently accessed projects will be stored in localStorage. Every time the user visits a project, the Frontend evaluates how frequently that project is visited and adds it to the list if appropriate.
The dropdown will show up to 4 of the most frequently accessed projects
The list will have a static header, Frequently visited
If there are no frequent projects to show, an empty state message is shown: Projects you visit often will appear here
The height of the dropdown is always the same, which gives us available space to show search results
The avatar for each project should be shown next to its name
The project's parent group (or groups) is shown in a second line in the same style as the breadcrumbs
When the dropdown is opened, the keyboard focus is automatically put on the search box
When the user starts typing, the frequent projects list is replaced with a blank background. We can add a spinner if we expect results won't be instant
The results are shown right below the search bar
If there are no matching results, an error string is shown: No projects matched your query
The current project switcher only searches projects you participate in. In this iteration we should the same behavior
No results
For mobile we make the dropdown full-width to account for long project names. We show the list of projects below the navigation links.
Searching on mobile inside the dropdown wouldn't be comfortable, so the search box is hidden.
Since vertical space will be more limited, the list should show only 3 projects instead of 4 on mobile.
Empty state
Frequent projects
For logged-out users we don't show the dropdown at all because:
If users are visiting GitLab without an account they probably are occasional visitors who won't have frequently visited projects. If they do, they probably always access those projects directly
The search box only searches projects you participate in, so it would always return empty results
The only link on the left side would be Explore projects, so we'd be requiring two clicks where you currently only need one
I left out a Group switcher in this issue because I don't think we have a Backend for that yet. @mydigitalself can we find out if this can be added for groups too?
We can add a dropdown with just options for Your groups, Explore groups and New group, but that doesn't add much value and it puts the current behavior one click further away.
As a user I would not expect the button "New project" in the projects dropdown. There is the + button for creating new projects and groups in the navbar already.
The dropdown ui is a little bit confusing- having a dropdown which links to different section of the projects dashboard does not brings any benefit.
I would suggest to build a quick way to show last accessed, starred projects and allow the user to quickly search these lists directly in the dropdown. This would add value!
One suggestion how this could look like:
Last accessed would show the last 5-10 projects the user accessed last time
Starred projects will show the 5-10 starred projects. User get a "more" link to load all starred projects in the dropdown.
All projects will show the 5-10 projects where the user has access to. Ordering is influenced by last activity in the project.
The search would trigger a search in all projects of the user and will show a match to the search term of the user.
As a user I would not expect the button "New project" in the projects dropdown. There is the + button for creating new projects and groups in the navbar already.
I agree here. It seems redundant to the plus button and feels as though we are mixing actions here.
I would suggest to build a quick way to show last accessed, starred projects and allow the user to quickly search these lists directly in the dropdown.
This is an interesting proposal, thoughts @cperessini?
The addition of the search is reminiscent of the current chevron dropdown. We have talked about removing/relocating this. This is a good potential candidate but perhaps in the next iteration is better.
When I was experimenting with this dropdown, I had a design similar to what @jens.goldhammer is suggesting:
However, after many iterations, I realized I was just duplicating existing functionality by having the search in there. The current search bar already searches projects, groups, project pages, settings, and help pages — it's an incredibly powerful, yet subtle, search. For that reason, I don't see a need to duplicate that functionality in the same area, with the same purpose. I've created #36409 to clarify the usefulness of the search bar and make sure it replaces the “project switcher” and more.
However, I do agree that having a “recently visited” list is useful, especially if you're not dealing with that many projects. This is what I ended up with in one of my previous explorations:
@cperessini WDYT? We can also adopt a column design as you proposed, I don't have a strong opinion about it.
As a user I would not expect the button "New project" in the projects dropdown. There is the + button for creating new projects and groups in the navbar already.
@jens.goldhammer@sarrahvesselov The + button is not very popular among our users, so I wanted to bring that option to a place they would be more likely to use. However, duplication like this is not good, so I think it's better to remove it.
I would suggest to build a quick way to show last accessed, starred projects and allow the user to quickly search these lists directly in the dropdown.
@jens.goldhammer@sarrahvesselov@pedroms That was the original purpose of adding this dropdown, but in order to simplify the implementation I proposed we move the project switcher here without any changes to its behavior.
@pedroms's idea to have a static list here and use the global search bar as a generic project switcher is good. However, I think generating that static list of recently accessed projects will require some backend work, so I'm not sure we can do that in this iteration. Maybe @kushalpandya knows if there already is an API for recent projects that we can use right now.
I worry a little that implementing my proposal as a MVP right now and removing the search box next month may confuse users.
@pedroms your three points sound good to me. We just need to find out if it's possible to show a list of recent projects in the dropdown or if our only option for replacement right now is moving the project switcher here.
@kushalpandya do you know if this is possible to do this without backend work?
@pedroms Can you elaborate on 5 most recently visited projects? I mean do we show 5 most recent projects visited by currently logged in user? if so, then what happens if user isn't logged in and just exploring public projects?
@cperessini I believe getting list of projects is doable via v4 APIs, but it largely depends on what type of projects we're looking to pull via API, take a look here to understand what our APIs already support while pulling list of projects.
I think closest we have already supported as of now is getting list of projects with last_activity_at parameter, and that we already use in dropdown showed via Project breadcrumb.
After a talk with @mydigitalself and @kushalpandya we decided that showing frequently visited projects makes more sense than recently visited ones. This has two big advantages:
The list won't get wiped out if you visit a few projects from the Explore section, for example
The list will usually be in more or less the same order, instead of changing every time you visit a different project
We will also be keeping the search box in the dropdown. As @mydigitalself pointed out in, once users come to this dropdown to switch projects, they should be able to complete that action from there. Making them go to a different place to complete what they started will be frustrating and unintuitive.
@mydigitalself@cperessini One thing that came to me regarding Frequently visited projects section is that should we build that list only for logged-in user or Guest users as well?
For either of the scenarios, I'll be taking current session (or logged in user) into account while building list of frequent projects into localStorage as that would help us in preventing projects from different login sessions or users to show up for different people.
especially when a project is private and we don't want people with no access to even view name and descriptions of such projects as that could potentially be a privacy issue.
When switching projects, is it possible to stay in the same sub-section of the project rather than be redirected to the project home @kushalpandya?
For instance, I am in issue boards and I realize I should be looking at CE not EE. When I switch to EE, it would be great if I could remain within the Issue boards rather than be redirected and have to navigate back to where I started.
@sarrahvesselov It is not entirely impossible to have that feature and would certainly be nice to have but here are some caveats if I implement that.
While switching between current projects, I always need to be aware of current page location, which involves parsing current page URL before switching between projects.
This can work for top level pages like Issues, Merge Requests which are always guaranteed to be available for any project user wishes to switch but this guarantee of page availability depends a lot on individual projects settings.
What if user is viewing an Issue and switches to different project (unaware of the switching behavior) and expects to land on to project homepage?
What if user has enabled third-party integration like JIRA for issue tracking for the project to be switched to? we won't have necessary details for JIRA url.
What about users who do not have access to certain top-level pages like Project settings, Environments, etc?
This obviously won't work for any URL that is perma-link to something specific to a certain project (link to Issue, MR or comment within Issue or MR, search filters, labels).
Not only covering above cases would lead to complex implementation, I wonder how we'd communicate this kind of switching to users who intend to switch to project homepage rather than page within.
Nothing like a hard dose of reality on a Monday morning @kushalpandya
What if user is viewing an Issue and switches to different project (unaware of the switching behavior) and expects to land on to project homepage?
I don't have hard data to back this up but I do have anecdotal evidence from users who have complained that this is the switching behavior they expect and that they are jarred by our current behavior.
Not only covering above cases would lead to complex implementation
It sounds like there are too many gotchas for this to be worthwhile. There simply is not enough gain to warrant this level of complexity at the moment. I appreciate the thoughtful discussion on this, it will help me explain why we cannot do this at this time.
@sarrahvesselov I'd suggest that we have separate issue with list of enhancements we'd wish to see in Projects dropdown after it goes live with 10.0 instead of pushing everything in first revision. As we have lot of room in the dropdown to do neat tricks.
It sounds like there are too many gotchas for this to be worthwhile. There simply is not enough gain to warrant this level of complexity at the moment. I appreciate the thoughtful discussion on this, it will help me explain why we cannot do this at this time.
Complexity for changing switching behavior in the topnav sounds daunting indeed, but adding a swift project switcher on issue list/board views is maybe a more feasible solution? See suggestion at gitlab-org/gitlab-ce#36351
Complexity for changing switching behavior in the topnav sounds daunting indeed, but adding a swift project switcher on issue list/board views is maybe a more feasible solution? See suggestion at gitlab-org/gitlab-ce#36351
Can you create a new issue for this @rmoreas? You can mark it as related to this issue and we can keep discussing the possibilities there
If there are no matching results, an error string is shown: No projects matched your query
This text is too “machine-like”, maybe something along the lines: “Sorry, no projects matched your search”. Additionally, consider including a link or button that directs to the “New project” page.
The current project switcher only searches projects you participate in. In this iteration we should the same behavior
The proposed placeholder is not clear about this scope as it says “Search projects”. As a user, I might think it will search all projects in the instance.