I don't think that problem is exist. what the usecase for this? The workflow that we have now: root issues dashboard --> select project "show all link" --> post new issue or Projects Dashboard --> project --> issues --> new issue. Root Issues Dashboard is overview of issues that you should work. It's an overview for everything but not for a specific project.
The solution to replace "show all" with "new issue" is not the best. if you have 10-15 projects and you try to create an issue from root issues dashboard probably you will spend more time to find project that you need. If you still want to do this it should be prominent call to action e.g. https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues and it should be possible to select project from a new issue page.
@skyruler we have the same thing with group milestones now, that allows you to simply set the project(s) that you want the milestone to be in.
I understand your criticism of this, but inversely I think with select2 (the searchable dropdown), selecting a project while creating an issue is quite easy and faster than dashboard -> project -> issues -> new issue.
From dashboard only 3 instances that you can create: project/group/snippet, all other instances that depends on bigger instances can be created only inside that bigger instances, that make sense. What you want to do is not really, the UX should be consistent and not clunky.
For now we are not following any consistent UX patterns I understand that is open source and usually no-one gives a shit but even with a drop-down what the point? there is no obvious pros. if we are changing this: We need to do the same for milestones and merge requests.
curent flow: issues list --> show all --> create issue
new flow: dropdown ---> project selector --> create issue
and it's not possible to have a new issue with project selector inside cause issues are dependent on a project![Screen_Shot_2015-12-02_at_14.46.31]
@skyruler/groups/:groupname/milestones. You have to have the permission to do so.
@skyruler The issue is that you're on a page called "Issues" and there is no "new / create" button. I'm fine with whichever solution provides the best UX, whether that means redoing those pages entirely, giving better context or adding dropdown magic ;)
!1968 (merged) adds a "New X" button in dashboard and groups, for issues, MRs and milestones. I agree that a searchable dropdown would be better than the simple list dropdown. Hopefully we can use select2 for that. I will work on that in that MR.