I have a few jobs in my deployment pipeline that I would classify as destructive (i.e. delete the stack). While these are manual actions that I have to click to run, I'm still a little bit worried about accidentally triggering them. At the moment, if I accidentally trigger them, I have to go into the job and cancel it before it gets to the dangerous part.
I would like an optional confirmation step for manual actions. Perhaps something like:
delete_job: stage: post-deployment script: - make delete when: manual confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG?
When I click the delete job play button, a confirmation modal or popover or something is displayed, asking me to confirm my choice.
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@bikebilly I think an extra confirmation is a good idea in general. You already put a lot of thought in these actions by defining them.. they therefore can have quite severe effects. This makes it so, UI deficiencies or strange actions can not set such actions in motion per accident.
Agreed on the cancel part as well (but only for manual action jobs).
I thought we already had a pop-up confirmation? cc: @filipa
And I agree with her. In this case specifically I am not sure of how annoying this could be, not all manual actions are disruptive. Imagine if it is something you have to do all day
I would really hesitate to add a confirmation by default for all manual actions. I would be incredibly annoying in the case of non-disruptive actions.
A confirmation action is really only appropriate when there is no good way to undo actions. Consider archiving an email in gmail, where instead of asking if you're sure you want to archive the email, gmail immediately shows you a link to unarchive the email in case you accidentally archived it.
In the case of CI jobs, I don't see a way to undo the action, considering that they can trigger arbitrary side-effects, which means that a confirmation may be unavoidable.
This is why I suggested that the confirmation be configurable and optional. That way if the action does not have disruptive side-effects, the author can simply manually cancel the job if they accidentally triggered it, and if they don't manage to do so before it has completed, it's not a big deal. If the action is disruptive in some way, the author can configure a confirmation action so that they can prevent it from executing accidentally. This way there is no additional friction for non-disruptive actions.
In general, I like to avoid unnecessary extra steps like 'Click to Confirm'. They quickly become disruptive to the workflow and can have a big impact on what should be a quick task to perform. In this case, we are talking about a destructive action that could be difficult to undo. This also presents an annoying and possibly detrimental user experience.
It sounds like the best user experience here would be to:
notify the user that the action has occured (in case it was accidental)
give them the ability to 'undo' the action by clicking 'undo'
This is why I suggested that the confirmation be configurable and optional.
We prefer convention over configuration @tommy.brunn except in the most extreme cases. I believe the solution above would sufficiently solve the problem.
@sarrahvesselov: That would be a great solution for undoable actions, but my use case is one where it's not possible to undo the action, in which case a toast message doesn't really help.
Thanks for the clarification @tommy.brunn@bikebilly. I read through again and see that you did indeed mention this Tommy, my apologies for making you repeat yourself.
I do not believe that we should add a confirm for every manual action and we do not want to create an overly complex UI by adding configurable options.
Have you accidentally triggered one Tommy or is this something you are just concerned about at this point?
I haven't done it on Gitlab yet, but I've only been using Gitlab CI for a few weeks for a single project. I have however done it and have seen it done plenty of times in Jenkins pipelines, which I've been using for years.
I'd like to second the request for either a configurable or default confirmation dialog. While the pipeline features work really well, I've been really worried to accidentally retry an old production deploy, which could lead to catastrophic results.
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