Been almost a week and the issue is still there. Is there any information I can provide to you that will help you solve this issue? My Jenkins CI server is kind of useless without the web hook to trigger actions.
@spai I think what Stan meant was:
Does you webhook work if you trigger it manually? (not from the gitlab GUI)
If it does, please provide some more information.
which version of gitlab are you running? did it work before? When did it break?
@spai You should be able to test your Web hook via some other method (e.g. curl). If your Web hook is serving via HTTP, you could always just use tcpdump or Wireshark to snoop on the HTTP traffic. You could always set up a local instance of GitLab too.
I understand now. Yes, when I call the URL configured on my web hook outside of GitLab (command line, web browser, etc), I get a successful response. Only is returning a 500 error.
@stanhu If I leave the "SSL Verification" checkbox unchecked, the UI says the hook executed successfully.
My webhook is an HTTPS URL with a registered certificate (not self-signed) so I don't know why SSL verification would cause an error.
You are correct. The certificate bundle contained the root and all intermediate certificates but it did not contain the site's certificate itself. Adding that to the chain file allows SSL Verification to work. Thank you for your help with this.