Expose all CI related things in GitLab API
This is mainly to expose builds, to allow configuring of runner.
The main idea is to deprecate /ci/api
and make it used only by GitLab Runner.
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
This is mainly to expose builds, to allow configuring of runner.
The main idea is to deprecate /ci/api
and make it used only by GitLab Runner.
What do you mean with 'make it used only by GitLab Runner'?
@sytses I believe @ayufan means to move all references from http://doc.gitlab.com/ce/ci/api/README.html except for the runners.
I stumbled upon this as I was writing the triggers documentation and was curious where to put their API docs.
mentioned in issue #4217 (closed)
I started to move some things in 8.3 to GitLab API, but I did only start that (the mentioned triggers API), but we are left for 8.4 to design the API for all CI-related stuff in context of GitLab API.
The CI API will only be used by runners.
mentioned in issue #4263 (closed)
Milestone changed to 8.6
We did expose all CI features in GitLab API.
Status changed to closed