Create new or update issues by email - without sub-addressing
Currently the new issue by email only works with sub-addressing, if you're unfortunate enough to be forced to use an email provider that doesn't support sub-addressing such as Office365 you're currently out of luck.
For example, we currently use Redmine for issues but want to move to GitLab issues however people inside the organisation and external vendors mostly create and update tickets via email but we're forced to use Office365 and thus we're blocked from migrating to GitLab issues.
As much as we want to move off Redmine - it's email integration is very simple and works very well.
In Redmine (just as an example):
- If you email a project's mailbox (configured in the project's settings) a new ticket will be created and the user will be emailed the URL to that ticket (if you have that option setup).
- If you email any mailbox used by Redmine with
[Refs #12345]
, ticket #12345 will be updated with the content in the email. - Users / third parties aren't required to have a login just to create or update an issue.
- Users / third parties don't need to familiarise themselves with new software.
- This allows for a controlled flow of issue management information without needing to expose your GitLab instance to the internet.
I propose that a simple IMAP mailbox fetching feature be added to projects and if the subject contains # that ticket will be updated from the email, if it doesn't match a valid ticket the email should create a new issue in the project corresponding to the mailbox.
Something simple like Fetchmail could be used to avoid writing full IMAP integration into GitLab.
Related to #3243 (closed) #3363 (closed) #24849 (moved)