@sytses I just want to double check if it's a race condition error, I've tried 2 scenarios in order to reproduce the bug and I was only able to reproduce the error when the repo was being receiving updates and I tried to merge at the same time:
Scenario 1 (good)
open a MR against master
Send some updates to the master branch (now master is ahead)
Merge the MR without previously refreshing the page.
MR is merged without any issues
Scenario 2 (bad)
open a MR against master
Send some updates to master through a bash loop:
for i in {1..50000};do echo "Add line $i" >> data.txt;git add data.txt;git ci -m "Update #$i";git push origin master;done
Now try to accept the MR
An error is being shown:
Can you confirm that the above screen is what you were seeing when trying to merge?
@rdavila I'm sorry but I'm not sure if that was what I saw. I'm surprised that scenario 1 already works in GitLab, that was what I created this issue for. If this already works we're done. I can live with the race condition in 2.