Zero Config CI
When I add a .gitlab-ci.yml file The project should be setup in GitLab CI automatically So I can already see the commit status in the merge request that adds the yml file
Making CI so easy to use will enable use to make GitLab CI much more popular.
What is needed before we can start:
- Enable all docker images by default
- Automatically assign a shared runner
What we should do in this issue is:
- When a yml file is present ensure the project is set up in CI
- Remove the 'add project' screen in GitLab CI as the homepage of CI and replace it with a list of active projects and the notice that to add a project you should add a .gitlab-ci.yml file
I would also like to see the commit status API and our shared runner offering but it is not strictly necessary for this.
What if user does not have CI server? and use gitlab instance like a mirror?
User still needs to configure CI, like, setup runners and so on. When all this stuff is done, user can click button "Add project" on the CI dashboard and project will be configured automatically. In fact, the change you proposed will eliminate this step only (click "Add project" button).
But anyway, I like the idea of ability to enable CI from GitLab side.
I think that one step makes a difference.
In fact, we could even add a button to GitLab: "Add your Project to GitLab CI"
Which, on click, brings you to a prefilled .gitlab-ci.yml file.
I think it's a great idea
It also means that we should have some default CI server. Because currently GitLab can work with unlimited amount of different CI servers. In other words, it is needed to decide where this setting will be stored from user perspective.
valery The configuration of runners and so on are done by the admin, not the user. For users of properly maintained installations (such as it will be zero config. I love the idea of a button in GitLab that brings you to a prefilled .gitlab-ci.yml file based on your type of project. Good point about needing to know the url of the CI server. I'm sure this can be solved in Omnibus since we also automated the autentication configuration part. Maybe @marin can comment
I don't know if I followed the idea closely here so I will try my best:
I'm sure this can be solved in Omnibus since we also automated the authentication configuration part. Maybe @marin can comment
What omnibus currently does is generate oauth settings for connection between GitLab -> GitLab CI. User still needs to
Add project
once they go to GitLab CI or in Project Services enable GitLab CI explicitly. Project configuration between GitLab and GitLab CI is out of omnibus-gitlab scope unless a setting gets added to either GitLab or GitLab CI config.
marin The idea is that we write a GITLAB_CI_URL into gitlab.rb, this can be used by GitLab to send the .gitlab-ci.yml file to GitLab CI. On receiving that file GitLab CI can set things up automatically.
sytse We have
, would that do? For example, if we look at the setup of and public ci server, value of this in gitlab.rb is ci_external_url This value is also used to authorise GitLab and GitLab CI automatically.
marin I think that will do. kamil what do you think that will work?
Yes. It will work. We still have to think about some mechanics:
- What data would be send from GitLab to CI?
- The project on CI needs to be created anyway: We need to create project on CI side and the CI token needs to be assigned on GitLab side. Who will be responsible for that?
- Webhooks that includes .gitlab-ci.yml in the payload?
- Right now GitLab CI does this in the name of the user via oAuth. Since there is no user involved it must be done automatically. I think GitLab should configure itself but I'm not sure.
for idea. if we know CI url that should be possible to implement. Can we add project from GitLab in CI without user involvement? Maybe implement some API. sytse I have feeling that with such tied integration over time it makes no sense to have separate application for GitLab and Coordinator. Too many repeating variables and cross-links. And if we implement commit status API it will be basically a duplicate of commits data that we already have in CI.
dzaporozhets funny, kamil has exactly the same feeling. I'm OK with either, I'm seeing more and more duplicated work between CE and CI (storing credentials, configuration, interface) so I'm not against integrating them.
dzaporozhets I proposed something like that some time ago :)
sytse microservices!!! When instead one working app you have 10 non-working
kamil cool. Lets make a plan for merge Coordinator in CE
Creating new public issue for that: gitlab-org/gitlab-ce#2164
sytse awesome. Thats what I wanted to propose!
CI autostart discussed in gitlab-org/gitlab-ce#2650
I think the only thing left to do is having new project use shared runners by default