Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
It thought we had this already
I'm right, we do. it's cmd+enter on mac
Status changed to closed
@JobV I guess I am used to Gmail which works with Cmd+Enter and Ctrl+Enter
@jschatz1 if you think it's worth to also have ctrl+enter, I'm open to it.
Status changed to reopened
Milestone changed to 8.5
Milestone changed to 8.6
Reassigned to @iamphill
mentioned in commit 692773c5
mentioned in merge request !3089 (merged)
Status changed to closed by merge request !3089 (merged)
mentioned in commit ec68d673
Mentioned in commit pfjason/gitlab-ce@ec68d673
mentioned in merge request !14785