Now when you can just copy-paste full URL to issue why do we need this section in sidebar. Since sidebar is already pretty heave I propose we remove this section.
I still like it. One-click is so much easier than click + ctrl - c, or ctrl - l + ctrl -c, etc. It might not be perfectly obvious to a user, either. We already moved it down in the sidebar.
The only other argument I could think of in favor of keeping it, is that the non-URL references continue to work if the user moves their instance to another domain, whereas URLs wouldn't. That's a pretty far-out edge case though, I would think.
Oh, I really like that feature :( I share the same feelings with Drew here. I like that I don't have to browse away from GitLab and point my cursor to the browser's url bar.
@dzaporozhets the workaround would work for me, just don't remove this feature completely :)
@dzaporozhets I'm not sure about this. The button you proposed is not obvious at all (I had to look three times). I do like the convenience of the single click. And showing the short reference trains people to how to construct a reference by typing it manually (for example if you have the issue open on your mobile, or a number in an email, etc.).
@sytses but since 8.3 they should not construct anything manually. Just copy full url from address bar. Again short url is not as usable as full url since i can not use it outside gitlab. So for me with 8.3 url from address bar is much more useful.
I really like the cross-reference being displayed somewhere.
It doesn't necessarily need to be in the sidebar, but I don't think we should remove it completly :)
@dzaporozhets I got feedbacks from community using it with the new click to copy functionality and liking it a lot. I don't really use it because my browser of choice is safari, but I am jealous because of it.
I would put the button just next to the # in the header before the author, this location makes sense. What do you think?
It would be also nice to mention everyone involved in this particular issue without mentioning one after another
@creamzy Can you describe in more detail, or provide a mockup, of what you're describing? I'm having a hard time picturing it.
Would it take up less space to remove the 'Cross-project reference' header? We didn't use to have that. Or can it be in the old location to the right just above the sidebar? There is lots of empty space there now.
This looks nice. The context is missing, though. If I'm a user who doesn't know what that button does what do I think it copies? It could be '2339', or 'Issue 2339', or 'gitlab-org/gitlab-ce2339', etc. It's not clear and I'm not sure it's of much use at this location.
@creamzy When you said 'we can move it below the notifications' where do you mean? In the sidebar at the bottom?
@dblessing yes it will, but I will suggest extra behaviour in UI sidebar issue to keep navigate between the issues visible, which is the most important part. If you feel we need to keep referral visible, we can do the same as in the left sidebar.