An error occurred while fetching the assigned iteration of the selected issue.
Error message when running Gitlab
xxx:/home/git/gitlab# sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production
Instance method "lock!" is already defined in ActiveRecord::Base, use generic helper instead or set StateMachine::Machine.ignore_method_conflicts = true.
System information
Current User: git
Using RVM: no
Ruby Version: 2.1.2p95
Gem Version: 2.2.2
Bundler Version:1.6.3
Rake Version: 10.3.2
Sidekiq Version:2.17.0
GitLab information
Version: 7.0.0
Revision: de9bf7d
Directory: /home/git/gitlab
DB Adapter: mysql2
URL: http://xxx
HTTP Clone URL: http://xxx/some-project.git
SSH Clone URL: git@xxx:some-project.git
Using LDAP: yes
Using Omniauth: no
GitLab Shell
Version: 1.9.6
Repositories: /home/git/repositories/
Hooks: /home/git/gitlab-shell/hooks/
Git: /usr/bin/git
[WARN] mysql2 failed to invalidate FD safely, leaking some memory