I want to quickly be able to go to a project (dropdown)
DZ made a quick mockup as example, of course this can be more pretty:
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- Owner
Awesome, so GitLab.org links to the group and GitLab Community Edition shows a dropdown, I love it.
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- username-removed-264303 Milestone changed to 8.4
Milestone changed to 8.4
- username-removed-264303 Reassigned to @creamzy
Reassigned to @creamzy
- Developer
- Developer
@dzaporozhets A list below a search field is recently visited projects organised by time stamp, do you have the same idea?
My attachment is in the new style for dropdowns. Above image from @dzaporozhets is in current design. Current design should work till the new dropdowns are ready. We only need to put placeholder in the search field, which is "Search your projects"
- username-removed-264303 Assignee removed
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- username-removed-264303 Removed ~19492 label
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- username-removed-264303 Added frontend label
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- 🚄 Job van der Voort 🚀 Milestone changed to 8.5
Milestone changed to 8.5
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Thanks @creamzy, that's amazing.
- Owner
It's amazing. And we can already go to the group in the left menu, so no need to be able to click the group as I suggested earlier with 'GitLab.org links to the group'. Having full search (also project outside the group) is great.
Edited by Sid Sijbrandij - Owner
A list below a search field is recently visited projects organised by time stamp, do you have the same idea?
@creamzy we don't know user recently visited projects so we can just use same sorting as we do on dashboard (by last activity)
- Developer
@dzaporozhets hm, not good, but what can we do. Do you see it as one list without grouping projects, or should we group links based on the group/user?
- Owner
@creamzy I would rather follow the simplest frontend implementation for start. So no grouping - just list
- Developer
- Owner
Love it
- Phil Hughes mentioned in merge request !2438 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !2438 (merged)
- Jacob Schatz Status changed to closed by merge request !2438 (merged)
Status changed to closed by merge request !2438 (merged)
- Jacob Schatz mentioned in commit c4c919e5
mentioned in commit c4c919e5
- 🚄 Job van der Voort 🚀 mentioned in merge request gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com!1434 (merged)
mentioned in merge request gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com!1434 (merged)
- Phil Hughes mentioned in merge request !2733 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !2733 (merged)
- username-removed-239593 Mentioned in commit pfjason/gitlab-ce@c4c919e5
Mentioned in commit pfjason/gitlab-ce@c4c919e5