A couple of friends of mine told me that they could not find where this option was. Their first reaction was to search in the project's settings and I think that is correct.
In the left sidebar there should be items that are publicly visible.
Edit: I changed the title to be in par with the discussion so far.
I'm ambiguous about this. Your reasoning is valid, but I'm inclined to think this is something that is used more often. I'll leave it up to @dzaporozhets z
@axil Not gonna make it for 8.6, I'm afraid. Will reschedule after the 8.6 release. If we move everything that we didn't get in 8.6 to 8.7, we won't make 8.7 either, so we'll have to be selective.
@felipe_artur no I think if project is public everyone should see project members. You can see people in issue dropdown or @mention so no need to hide information that is already available.